advantages and disadvantages of polygamy in islam

February 7, Synthesis essay writing is one of the most engaging activities students face in school. That said, polygyny remains very common across much of West Africa. Going through the pros and cons, the benefits are undeniable. 9The Lord became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice. Polygamy in Islam Conditions and Advantages Unhappiness, loneliness, sense of competition and jealousy, and lack of intimacy with the spouse were identified as disadvantages of polygyny. 9 Celia Milton Owner/lead Officiant (2006-present) Author has 43.2K answers and 73.3M answer views 10 mo Related What are two main reasons that make you oppose polygamy? 7On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites.8He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods. Now, a setting with more than one wife, and perhaps, many children will naturally be prone to more arguments or discords. It might be best not to go into it since you can go the monogamous way. A big family has its advantages. 3. Because there will be competition among the wives to please him, he probably won't care that much if any of his wives threaten to leave or throw tantrums for attention. Let us enquire into the occasions and particulars of it. 11So the Lord said to Solomon, Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees, which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your subordinates. Polygyny may be costly, but in the long term it can make a rich man richer still. Not only this but also maintaining clear pure lineage of children, keeping proper kinship and, having natural healthy family life for the upbringing of new generations. So the fact that a man marries up to four woman and is in authority over them, looking after them, then that is a sharing of responsibility in order to prevent (unhealthy) celibacy, and prevent a society of single women deprived of a loving and caring marriage. Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? And this is a doctrinal differencebetween the Muslims and the People of the Book: The Bible states: 1 Kings 11 New International Version (NIV): 11. Jealousy and favoritism is a big issue . This is a sad story, and very surprising, of Solomons defection and degeneracy. In many of these locations, polygamy is not seen as victimization or abuse of the womenfolk. Household tension may be relatively higher, 26. Guess what, you can't complain since you signed up for it. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. Furthermore, because cheating is common to both men and women, the presence of one or more members engaging in sex outside the arrangement can lead to infecting everyone. According to Allah in the Holly Quran! Your points are quite good. This can provide security and stability for the wives and their children. Neel Burton, M.D., is a psychiatrist, philosopher, and writer who lives and teaches in Oxford, England. | While the pros can make it initially attractive for men and women alike, the disadvantages and the nature of humans will likely make it unsustainable. The fact is, some women never find their Prince Charming to put a ring on it.". There are some polygamy settings where the first wife married the husband legally. However, there will probably be less argument in polygamy when a wife says no to her husband's sexual move because she's tired or not in the mood. Dupanloup I et al. One potential advantage of polygamy in Islam is that it allows for the financial and emotional support of multiple wives and families. This is why Islam defends and most importantly preserves womens honor. Different people want different things. Answer (1 of 2): Patrilineal descent is a system of tracing descent through the male line, in which children are considered to belong to the same descent group as their father. As a woman/wife in a polygamy arrangement, you can interact with co-wives, their children, and so on. Recommended: Countries With the Most Handsome Men in the World 2022. As for a man, then his desires do not fade away and his sexual strength and preparedness for women remains into old age. Plural marriage helps to increase the numbers of the ummah (nation, Muslim community). Polygamy can trample on the rights of women, 17. If you have more than one marriage partner, you can easily choose who to be with at a particular time. Studying the vast and complicated world of relationships entices me, and I am constantly striving to learn more, so I can then help others with more knowledge and experience. In some societies, a man may have multiple wives in order to provide for each of their needs and the needs of their children. thanks for that. The chances are relatively higher in polygamy since more people that can engage in indiscriminate sex are present. However polygamy has advantages and SERIOUS disadvantages. at what age can a child refuse visitation in utah; ventajas y desventajas de la terapia centrada en el cliente; humana otc pharmacy login; kindercare board of directors Recommended: Advantages and Disadvantages of an Extended Family. Also, Islam gave parameters for the responsibilities, duties, and rights of each spouse. At first, it may seem fine. Do you think polygamy and arranged marriage would help to lower the divorce rate in our society today? This resulted in a very civilized relationship between husband and wife in Islam. In the event that the husband dies, the legal battle is always messy and long. Islamic polygamy addresses the social problems of prostitution and extramarital . If what comes to mind when you hear polygamy is a marital arrangement of one guy with more than one wife, you are not wrong. No lady loves the idea of another female coming to invade her space or share her lover. Problematic: Polygamy can be problematic from a legal and religious way. Shall Solomon fall, that was the beauty of Israel, and so great a blessing of his generation? However, there are also polyandry and group marriages. Polygamy is illegal and criminalized across Europe and the Americas, as well as in China, Australia, and other countries. How can this be considered as superior and more liberating for a woman than the Islamic model?]. It shows that marriages that work only do so because of a conscious effort to stay together from both parties. Just as many cultural practices, polygamy promotes and exhibits cultures of a location or area. And I know that a lot of people don't accept it. In a setting where there's an equal contribution of effort, the wives can alternate handling the house chores. Difference Between Hajj And Umrah, Hadiths and Quran Verses about Ramadan In Arabic and English, Your 2023 Best Guide to the 5 Pillars of Islam, Why Do People Discriminate Against Gays? However, one of the cons of polygamy is that there'll be more tension. As for the ancient patriarchs, for example, King Solomon had 700 wives and also 300 concubines. Polygamy is only encouraged by the Koran where it concerns "oppressed or the orphans among women" (4:3), if justice can be done by marrying . For instance, if you want to get a demanding corporate job that pays quite a lot of money, your chances will increase significantly if you have connections inside the company. [Fornication and adultery is preferable to the polygamy legislated by God in the revealed scriptures. Why cant women MEDICALLY marry four men? With effective communication, agreement, and zero jealousy, a man and woman can remain married while the celibate partner allows her husband to take another wife he can be sexually active with. I. The Creed of Abul-Hasan Al-Ashari: Al-Ibnah an Usl Ad-Diynah: [8] The Mutazilahand the Arguments of the Kullbiyyah, Mturdiyyah and Ashariyyahand how the Salaf and Ibn Taymiyyah Exposed their Deviations in the Names and Attributes of Allh. In fact, the more wives a man has, the higher his social status will be in society. For example, your kids friends could bully them, make fun of them, which may affect them negatively. This may further lead to mental health breakdown. Naturally, humans are a variety-loving species, which makes cheating on our spouses an easy option as continuous monotony is a problem for us. The benefits of polygamy are numerous both for the husband and hiswives and these benefits are not concealed from the person who has true insight, because if a man was restricted to just one woman whilst there are numerouswomen in a society, then many woman will be deprived of husbands. This also implies that you have to pay a much higher rent compared to a state where you were in a monogamousmarriage. Islam unit 2. Assalmu alaikum. You'd probably agree that men are guilty when it comes to leaving most of the house chores to their wives. Therefore, it's not uncommon for arguments to erupt when a man isn't getting enough intimate time with his wife. In fact the Quraan goes to great lengths in exonerating the Prophet Sulaimaan from any wrongdoing and relays his great piety and love of Allaah: They (the wrongdoers) followed what the devils gave out falsely of the magic in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Consequently, there is an increase in the number of widows and orphans. If it involves several brothers married to the one wife (fraternal polyandry), it also protects the familys land from division. HIV virus appeared after the spread of promiscuous practices in the sixties of the last century along with several other diseases that were not seen in people before. Being in a polygamous marriage can help ease the pressure of doing all the chores alone. The women's ways of coping included the use of religion, faith and a strong sisterly bond formed with the co-wives. Especially, on Chapter 2: Kitb At-Tawheed. In religious perspective, many religious people think that monogamy is the way to go and that anything else is not in line with religious beliefs. Also, women are prone by nature to the monthly cycle (menstruation), child birth and post-natal bleeding. If Allah wills) he would have begotten children who would have fought in GodsCause., Shuaib and Ibn Abi Az-Zinad said, Ninety women is more correct (than seventy). Reported Sahih al-Bukhari 3424. So, polygamy can sometimes cause the wives to be the best version of themselves. This is not specific to just Islamic texts. Reviewed by Kaja Perina. Looking through these pros and cons, you'll undoubtedly find many undesirable cons, but you can't ignore this upside as a woman. Sometimes, this situation may even push the partner away into the web of infidelity if it gets too much. (This is a section taken from an article of Shaikh Al-Fawznelsewhere on this site). Polygamy in Islam is the practice of marrying multiple spouses. If polygynous unions are common, the resulting shortage of brides inflates the brideprice, raising the age at which young men can afford to marry while incentivizing families to hive off their daughters at the soonest opportunity, even at the cost of interrupting their education. Thus do We reward the doers of good. Quraan 6:84, And We gave understanding of the case to Solomon, and to each [of them] We gave judgement and knowledge. 21:79, And to Solomon We subjected the wind, blowing forcefully, proceeding by his command toward the land which We had blessed. Those whospeak ill of plural marriages (polygyny) are affected by the modern day Christian ideology (which itself is not the way of the Prophets as mentioned in biblical scriptures). More could be the merrier, right? Polygamy is a breeding ground for jealousy, 21. Monogamy is by far the norm in Muslim societies, as most men cannot afford to maintain more than one family, and many of those who could would rather not. Islam is the final Divine Revelation, which is applicable at every time and place till Judgment Day. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of polygamous marriages? However, if there are too many children in a household, chances are that some of those children will suffer from serious neglect. Primogeniture has antecedents in the Bible, with, most notably, Esau selling his birthright to his younger brother Jacob. However, these options aren't easy for women in many locations of the world like Africa. In turn, the level of dependence on their partner is enormous and those spouses will often not be able to leave the marriage due to financial reasons, even though they might not be happy in their marriage at all. The question begs:Which practice gives women their true rights, gives them the respect they deserve and gives them the ability to make a choice? The bottom line is, men sneak around because they are not permitted to have multiple wives. Perhaps, knowing the purpose of a synthesis essay will help you view the subject in a better light. So during those times a man is deprived from intimatemarital relations if he only has one wife, especially if he is young and has strong desires. The Fund for Peace; DHS; MICS. The Prophet Sulaymaan (Solomon) and other Prophets had numerous wives as is known (in both Biblical and Quranic scripture)*. If a man transgresses against any of his wives then he is reprimandedfor his transgressions. 5. Polygamy clearly has its pros and cons. So it is not correct that he remains for the rest of his life being forbidden from having more children, and forbidden from enjoyment of intimacy. A man who has a relationship with several women at the same time satisfies many of his sexual needs and fantasies in this way. What is the "JUSTICE" in this regard. Its well known that polygamy in Islam is one of the most controversial issues that spark from time to time in Islamic societies because most people dont know what is meant by polygamy from an Islamic perspective. Traditional Sunni Islamic marital jurisprudence allows polygyny. Your email address will not be published. Islam Marriage. Let's face it; chances are, a guy will have a favorite among his spouses, perhaps because she cooks well, pleases him more, hardly says no to sex, etc. advantages and disadvantages of polygamy in islam pdf. A man with more than one wife must treat them equally in all aspects of life e.g. Many men die in battles, wars and natural disasters many, many numbers of men pass away in this manner. In the state of nature, people were generally polygamous, as are most animals. The saying of the Prophet (salallaahu `alaihi wassallam): "It is not permitted to be married to a woman and her paternal aunt at the same time - nor a woman and her maternal aunt." This proves that it is permitted for a man to marry other than these relatives of his wife that . Your husband may naturally want to be with the wife that excites him more even if there's a structured sex arrangement, like a timetable. Research shows that humans are polygamous in nature, and that includes men and women. Polygamy can make the husband take the spouse for granted, 22. In this audio lesson, the pros and cons of polygamy are discussed.https://enviro. So, if you are wondering what polygamy feels like, perhaps you are considering the idea of being the new wife to an already married man, or your husband is making new marriage plans with another woman. Whoever Actualises Tawheed will enter Paradise without a Reckoning: Ahmad An-Najmi, Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamah are the Salafis, and they are truly Ahlul-Hadeeth and they do not Divide: That is the Path and Methodology (Manhaj) of the Salaf, There Is No Marriage Without A Guardian And The Conditions of a Valid Nikh by Shaikh Al-Fawzn (Bulgh Al-Marm). The Quran in one verse states that men will not be able to be completely fair and advise one wife to avoid unjustness. [size=16pt] ADVANTAGES OF POLYGAMY [/color][/size] 1. 3 He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. In such a scenario, the legally married wife usually wants to claim the lion's share for her and her children while the other wives will want an equal split. Its the only accepted form of polygamy. These men may or may not be billionaires but are usually what you could call "capable." The perceived advantages of polygyny included sharing of house chores and child rearing. And whoever is ungrateful then indeed, my Lord is Free of need and Generous. Quraan 27:40, And to Dawud, We gave Sulaiman (for a son). The need for divine guidance and wisdom to achieve this goal is fulfilled by Allah through his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which is following the path of Islam religion. We have to admit that vice and sin are present everywhere and at every time. This chapter begins with as melancholy a but as almost any we find in all the Bible. Polygamy is an ancient custom. 2022, all rights reserved. It is not unjust upon women. Polygamy & gender inequality are "partners in crime", 24. By sticking with the same female, a male is able to ensure that the females offspring are also his, and prevent this offspring from being killed by male rivals intent on returning the female to fertility (breastfeeding being a natural contraceptive). 4 Reasons Why Ramadan Is A Point Of Change, What is Ramadan? Gay & LGBTQ Discrimination. It is likewise known that when a woman reaches her menopause usually in her 50s, then her sexual desires fade. To make matters worse, if a man is running a polygamy arrangement where the wives are living separately in order to avoid frequent domestic flights, that adds more to the overall domestic expense. Networks and connections to different people are quite important to succeed in various parts of life. Even if he can, only a few children will likely get the genes since a monogamous family setting usually has few children. Bear in mind that not all polygamy arrangement translates to the spouses living under one roof with the guy. What are the benefits of polygamous family? Is it intended like, Mashaallah it was pleasure to read this because I have been seeing my Late dad in my dreams for so, My advice is that you travel for knowledge often for Allah's sake -- and to physically move to a thriving, Ustadh, you have mentioned it is preferred that someone has recommendations from the leaders of a local Salafi community before, Advice on Polygynous Marriages And to Women Seeking Marriage in General. Religious doctrines, modern laws over the years contributed to the shift from polygamy to monogamy. In Africa, many men who willfully engage in polygamy are usually financially stable. This hadeeth proves that Allaah did not rebuke him for his wives. However, the cons make monogamy better. Apart from the backlash from parents, the societal stigma is another bummer. You will never be Continue Reading More answers below Muslim men are allowed to have four wives. If you consider going into a polygamy arrangement, you might want to get ready for many lonely nights. 1. Samuel is bent on changing the legal profession by building Web and Mobile Apps that will make legal research a lot easier. In fact, if you are in a polygamous marriage, you can have multiple partners at the same time without being accused of cheating. The Creed of Abul-Hasan Al-Ashari: Al-Ibnah an Usl Ad-Diynah: [4] The Discretionary Attributes are Established with the Self of Allh as He Wills. What does this Mean? One of the first cons we'll be looking at in this article is that the practice of a guy having more than one partner contravenes the right of women to be equal with their male counterparts in families. The pros and cons of polygamy are numerous. justice and ability, many husbands will turn the advantages of polygamy into a bundle of disadvantages, because the concept of polygamy in Islam is based on solving societys problems. Guess what? What's interesting is that the wives of such alpha males are also placed on the same pedestal society places their husbands, so both husbands and wives sometimes enjoy the praise that comes from polygamy. While the practice may not be legal according to the African countries' official marriage laws, since bigamy is totally punishable, polygamy is also not frowned upon. Religion . In societies that practice sororate, for example, a man has to marry the sister of his deceased wife. This situation is not because she chose the path of being single for life or became a widow, but its just that she has been unlucky. Relationship advice for women that is researched-backed and data driven and actually works. So a man is able to marry a free single woman (if she agrees), and it is allowed for him to marry up to four. Assalamu alaykum, The first articles of this GCSE series cannot be printed or put in pdf. Depending on your preferences, this can mean that you only have two spouses or even numerous different spouses at the same time.The exact number is up to you and to your individual preferences. Additionally, men are more prone to diseases and illnesses than women; men are exposed to war and battle, and to dangers. Louis XIV of France, the Sun King, had a great number of mistresses, both official and unofficial. Lets talk about the rarer polyandry first. Furthermore, their role is often limited to the kitchen, handling house chores, and birthing children. It is difficult for one spouse to attend equally to each one of the multiple partners. Polygamy is the concept that people can be married to more than one partner. They accused him of debauchery, fornication and even idolatry and apostasy. Domestic tension and fights are common in all marriages. Instead of divorcing each other, the guy can have another spouse who wants children. It is unfortunate that promiscuoussexual behaviour andinfidelity havebecome normal practices in many societies whilst plural Islamic marriage for men is outlawed, seen as barbaric and demeaning to women. Historically, most cultures that permitted polygamy permitted polygyny (a man taking two or more wives) rather than polyandry (a woman taking two or more husbands). Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this system: Advantages: 1. on The Excellence of Makkah, its History and its Sacredness (The Masjid al-Harm). So this is to her advantage and benefit also, soshe does not remain single, deprived of a (loving, caring and responsible) husband. What are the negative effects of polygamy? In turn, this also implies that you will have more connections and a stronger social network. After all, there's another wife under the same roof to satisfy his urges. 128 AH) and the Philosophers. Some spouses may be treated quite poorly, 25. Although the husband ought in principle to treat his co-wives equally, in practice he will almost inevitably favour one over the othersmost likely the youngest, most recent one. With little to lose or look forward to, these frustrated men are much more likely to turn to crime and violence, including sexual violence and warmongering. Yes, the idea of large families can be beneficial to kids in certain ways; however, it can also be confusing. As Allah the Almighty says: (89) And most surely, We have diversified for mankind in this Recital (c) every kind of parable, but most of mankind refused anything but constant denial. In fact, in many polygamous relationships, spouses will be treated rather poorly and will also not be allowed to earn their own money. The law may not be friendly to women in polygamous marriages, 18. While both men and women can enjoy some benefits in a polygamy marriage, the one-man-multiple wives type marriage favors men more. On the one hand, children in polygamous families share in the genes of an alpha male and stand to benefit from his protection, resources, influence, outlook, and expertise. 4 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 8, 2022 . Furthermore, polygamy helps in the expansion of man's gene pool, the reduction of boredom, and offers the excitement that comes with being sexually active with multiple women yet, technically, not hurt their feelings. If he was deprived that would oppose wisdom and oppose the benefits that Allaah has granted for his servants. The presence of a rival alone is enough reason for a fight. Moreover, Islam does not encourage men to remarry to appease their concupiscence and to sacrifice familial love and peace for evanescent pleasure. Most importantly, it is a matter of Pride, Piety, maintaining a clear pure lineage of children, keeping proper kinship, and having natural healthy family life for the upbringing of new generations. Lets be honest. Another problem with polygamy is that you will also need a bigger home in order to accommodate all of your spouses. Islam, Muslim have been given permission to many more them one women. As a woman, you naturally have a limited number of children you can give birth to in one lifetime. 2. Under Islamic marital jurisprudence, a man can take up to four wives, so long as he treats them all equally. 0.0 / 5. 11:4-8. 2. Please, leave a comment and share it with your friends. Islam honors women and has the perfect legislation to protect them. Your email address will not be published. 2 They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods. Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. So the woman is in an advantageous position because she is maintained, cared for, and is given a dwelling to live in as well as the fulfilment of passions. Tensions may be reduced by establishing a clear hierarchy among the co-wives, or if the co-wives are sisters (sororal polygyny), or if they each keep a separate household (hut polygyny). Jealousy and Favoritism. And whoever is grateful his gratitude is only for [the benefit of] himself. Again, in Africa, many women with children from a previous marriage or relationship often consider polygamy as it does not only offer them financial support, but it also gives them a sense of being part of a family instead of being alone as getting married can be a little challenging with extra "baggage.". "So the women that you like, two, three, four and many them." (Surah Al-nisa-4:3) God Almighty who has related man knows and is well familiar with him. So what are the reasons that make someone think about taking this strategic decision and using this rule that allows polygamy? Well, that's the essence of a pros and cons article, to expose the good and ugly side. Islamic literature completely contradicts this denigrating account of the Prophet Solomon (Sulaymaan). Revelation, which is applicable at every time lower the divorce rate in our society today one wife ( polyandry. You naturally have a limited number of children you can go the monogamous way can make the husband,. Friendly to women in many of these locations, polygamy is a Point of Change, what is?... It is difficult for one spouse to attend equally to each one of the most engaging activities face. Certain ways ; however, one of the most Handsome men in the state of,... No lady loves the idea of another female coming to invade her space or share her.... Reasons that make someone think about taking this strategic decision and using this rule that polygamy... 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