amway diamonds where are they now

You have to buy books, CD, tickets to Amway meetings. They can't afford to or else it means going back to working a job as many have found out. What kind of revelation is that I ask? Hilarious.You're still angry about failing in Amway? Best to talk to someone local in your upline and ask them. Any post with over 100 comments is going to be high on the search engines. Its really sad that a manufacturer of good products is quite happy to see its reputation get flushed down the sewer. (later shortened to Amway) so they could expand the product line to include regular household items. I know we did.Why do Amway ambots keep accusing me of having a job? agar aap wo paana chahate ho jo apko mil na saka to wo karna hoga jo apne abhi tak kiya nahi.. ONLY AMWAY CAN MAKE YOU TO HAVE ALL THE HAPPINESSES IN LIFE. Yup the life of an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, distract, defend, and then disappear.Though maybe that was Theo who popped in last week. It's all about confusing the ambot with the numbers. Some Amway diamonds make the bulk of their income from speaking at Amway functions. Like your Amway pipe dream?Haters always hate? Restaurants are Scams! After a half hour of talking to him I feel like I already wasted a big chunk of my life I will never get back. And expectations are more realistic. Free returns. Furthermore, in 2009 Amway held celebrations of their 50th Anniversary and invited all qualified Diamonds and above to Las Vegas. IT IS WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY,BUT WITH A GOOD TEAM,GOOD MENTER,SUCCESSFUL LEADER CAN HELP YOU TO SUCCESS IN THIS OPPORTUNITY.SO BE WITH SUCCESS TEAM. I hate Amway so much, and my poor mom had to fight against so much of Amway's bullshit lifestyles. Like I said, I don't make any money off you whatever you do so its no skin off my ass if you want to sign up with Amway and go through financial and emotional distress. He wants me to dream bigger because I gave him an honest answer and its nothing too extravagant of a dream like owning 10 sports car or mansions. Don was a High School science teacher and basketball coach. Let's just assume he purchased it over time at an average of $450 per share - so $450k out of his claim of making $1.22 million. He's not selling pots and pans. And yeah most of the bad reputation is because of the antics of their commissioned saleforce and the various cult sects Amway allows to operate. Most people's bullshit alarms go off, and even ones that sign on out of pity end up bailing if the brainwashing doesn't take hold and they do MATH and see they are going to keep on losing money forever in Amway. Well, if it's so great, what the hell are you waiting for? Sounds like all you need to do is keep doing what youre doing and help others to do the same! You'll never hear more excuses or see more finger pointing anywhere in your life as you will in Amway. hi this is the great opp.and any body do this. Your a 100 percent real bitch go to hell and rott. I am saying for myself, I was taught and have higher business ethics then Scamway.Living my own dream, Freddy. I told them to go F&@ck themselves. It is a unique business. This is why the main "consumers" of Amway products are the "recruits". Being a millionaire. Juuva honors Don and Nancy Wilson upon surpassing $55 Million in Network Marketing Career Earnings. You are not a good downline are you?Secondly instead of running your mouth uncontrollably why don't you rebut the issues raised by Anna or offer resounding evidence to the contrary? Ambot genocide? Are you aware of what is going on in India right now with your supplier? That's one of the 10 CORE bullshit that is always mentioned at Scamway meetings. You Go 50/150 for 3 out of your first 6 months you get $50/per month that you do plus your regular business $'s you'll be around $60-$260/month that you do. Shouldn't the FTC know that they are LYING about the income of this opportunity? I'm sure our upline Diamond has a huge hole in his income these past few months after Amway fired our sack of shit Platinum. They wouldn't have sunk into poverty, though, because they'd wisely invested their income and (at l east while we were distributors) they didn't live a flashy lifestyle. That is funny, what an oxymoron, Amway Diamond with an open mind. Hope you all have much success in life. About 45 years of your life.And most people retire on the pension / social security.That makes working a great way to becone financially free! Battling with the fucking assholes in the Amway upline who have brainwashed our husbands into misplaced love and worship at the Amway upline instead of at our families. Get suckered into a Scamway meeting, pull out your phone and surf right over here. Your husband didnt have hope or a dream and with your attitude i feel bad for him because look where you are now. I wasn't even there and I can give a play by play because nothing ever changes in Scamway.First off you got sucked in by someone you trust and hope wouldn't steer you wrong or get you involved in something bad.Amway the Cult of Greed where the Great Amway God is worshipped and nothing is more important than the almighty dollar. In the late 1980s I frequently attended Amway rallies to help out a friend (bringing potential recruits to these rallies made my friend look good to his upstream). How do you have so much free time on your hands? Unless they can sell the already ENORMOUSLY overpriced products for any kind of profit to a large customer base (something few Ambots can get working for them as other than pity purchases, the rest of the population can find better products at their local stores for wayyy better prices and convenience), then the only other thing is to self-consume and then try to recruit others to self consume and find others, etc. You remind me of donald trump and i feel bad for your husband cause he has to put up with you. After the meeting, they asked me what I thought and I politely told them that I was not interested in Amway. How do you know when someone in Amway is lying? The rich successful restaurant owners pay their waiters crap, and hire illegals, at substandard wages, to clean up at night. look at any person with any significant success and you'll always here stories of people that Todd then to quit, but the common denominator with all successful people they ignored them and kept going. and now i am 6%achiever. Thanks for stopping by with your story. Nothing brings those Amway assholes more happiness than destroying other people's relationships. i have joined amway business in the month of february I was so enamored with their houses and cars, but also how incredibly douchey and pathetic they all looked. Just because you decide to still doesn't mean you have flown away yet action brings results. Are your families dreams worth it? Thank to your rude comments id rather be apart of Amway, atleast they have respect, values and know how to talk to others like grown, mature people.Thank you for allowing me to see how being someone like you would be the worst decison of my life.Amway here I come! Often, the perception that Amway diamond is wealthy is based on the income they earned in the year they qualified first. Then there were the books, all of which were priced at what they'd cost in a bookshop. Anonymous - when it comes to Amway, Diamonds are not forever! And what will you get it you do all these things? Pay attention we got out of Scamway years ago. And unless the downline can sell that overpriced crap they bought, what their PV was means nothing. Everything looks good on paper doesn't it but the reality of putting the Amway plan into action is pretty much impossible. All of the entries are great, but this one really can be a forefront entry. Anonymous - you're too kind when you call him a dickhead! If you have a guts you can fly in the sky. It helps others know they're not going through the Amway hell hole alone. And if you only spent a grand in 3 years in Amway you weren't really doing Amway, probably just helping out someone with pity purchases. They were probably shocked as well. Using the toughest international qualification for Diamond (10000 points per leg), and assuming zero overlap between Diamonds and zero international sponsorship (both of which are not true), you could theoretically support 4000 qualifying Diamonds with only $4.3 billion in revenue (10000 points * 6 months * 6 legs * $3 per pv * 4000 diamonds). If that's the case, scammer, then maybe you SHOULD do us all a favor and end your life and stop scamming folks with the phony "spellcaster" bullshit. The thing is, TheWhiteafroguy, anyone can make up numbers and amounts. How do you structure your work ? There are plenty of inexpensive Rolls Royces on eBay for under $20k. Tobbi - you are probably right. Team Global all the way! means 10,000 Group PV by team. We had to go to these meetings every weekend. Sick, evil Amway demons! I remember looking at the tapes, which cost $5-6. IBOs must be in compliance at all times with the Amway IBO Compensation Plan, Quality Assurance Standards and the IBO Rules of Conduct to keep their invitation to Amway incentive trips. And, those that are doing that well are doing so at the expense of the poor folks duped into working below them. Diamonds look back and say look at all he people I fucked over to get rich. Some of the Amway cult leaders are invested in this company.I forgot to warn they'll ask about your dreams. Anonymous - I'm sorry to hear you're falling for a women inside the Amway cult. So far, from what I've read the stories here are pretty fucked up. The glimmer of hope still exists. One is for a free ebook called Merchants of Deception and that will spell out to you exactly what life inside Amway is like. TheWhiteafroguy - all over this blog I write about our involvement with WWDB aka World Wide Destructive Bastards. Most IBO's don't sign up anyone and a few lucky ones will get one in their downline. LOL! It takes a special kind of person to be able to deal with an IBO for a spouse because any form of argument against their god will be ruthlessly destroyed. Most ambots start to think about quitting in 6 months when they're not making money. Notice how this blog is written in English? Just cause your husband didnt do so good on amway doesnt mean that other people well do the same thing. 2 / Brandon Odom pt. Depending how old they are they might not ever be able to bounce back from the Amway hell hole. You have no time to waste!!!~Osuwariboy. Yeah Amway meetings are really creepy watching all the ambots worship their cult leaders.And no, you should say don't join Amway. Who should we believe? Secondly, it says the average income for diamonds is $400k/year, but that the highest paid diamond was over $2.2mil. So, Theo took home some fraction of $1.22 million in that time.So how does a fraction of $1.22 million pay for 4 McDonalds franchises, 2 Denny's Diners, 1 Holiday Inn and 5 gas stations? The nut nodded, not realizing I was mocking. With so many going to functions this is surely nice income. Yes, it's the same fucking plan, that Bob, Steve, Al, and Jim have done the last several nights in a row. From conversations with my emerald and diamonds. I have a list of every North American Diamond that has appeared in the Amagram since 1964. So you may tout them as "investing" in their business, but with a real investment there has to be an eventual return. Anonymous - Yes! . Answer (1 of 4): To quantify, A Diamond is a level in Amway business wherein one has six Platinum organizations or six breakaway groups having a sale of at least 10 Lac rupees/month. . Someone making the kind of money Theo claims would have to have thousands in in downline (and how he got that many in 3 years when most people will tell you that even getting ONE recruit is harder than hell because of Amway's bad reputation). They are first people you should turn to for advice. The first thing you should know is that to become a Diamond like all the other Amway Diamonds you need to have 6 platinum legs. pyramid scam.There is no "extra income" to be found in Amway for 99% of those on the pyramid. I am looking for any Amway Diamond who has an open mind. Amway and its sister companies under Alticor reported sales of $8.9 billion in 2019. It is my fault for being too curious, I should have known that this "get rich " in a few years is too good to be true. Surely you've got competent staff at all your businesses who can take care of things while the money rolls in for you?You're just a day's drive from me. Plus, if they just want to use the products and not do any selling, they can do that too. and now i am 6%achiever. I can feel it!". (And, as ibofightback mentioned, there is overlap. You know the one with all the circles drawn on it and it shows how much money you'll make if you find 6 people who do what you do (suck dick, kiss ass, buy hundreds of dollars in shitty overpriced Amway products each month - not easy to find these people by the way!) July 29, 2008. There is no problem with having another job with Amway, especially if you have a high paying career. What's so wrong with having a job? It's impossible to know the exact "success" rate for Amway independent business owners (IBOs), but one case from 2008 showed that out of 33,000 IBOs, only 90 made enough money to cover the costs of their business. Its a life changing opportunity. LOL! Those who earn an invitation will participate in fabulous, once-in-a-lifetime activities, new product offerings, and networking opportunities. While technically it is possible Id say in reality it is not possible from a standing start. In a strange way the woman speaker is so wacko Amway no brain that I keep listening in disgust. Unless they're really fucked in the head. hi, anybody can help but Amway. I'm confused if your ex-lover and your ex-husband are the same person and how a lying cheating scamming Amway Diamond fits into the equation. Nonsense. amway is the best business in the world its the most simplest business(truth) i had ever come across. They're relentless. Anonymous - I'm with you. Amway has been great to me and my family. From what I've seen of Amway Diamonds they live beyond their means. Either you, and your organization are lying, or there is something much worse afoot. With a 99% failure rate no one who isn't brainwashed and have looked into the math of this "opportunity" could possibly call it a solution to anything other than further enriching a tiny portion of folks at the top of the pyramid. Kyritsis got off easy. I join this buisness 1 month ago. If my amway business provides that, then that's where i am. And Diamonds ain't forever. Diamonds don't make 150kthose are emeralds. People quit. Here are five cities with the best passes money can buy. The Amway cult leaders should just tell VanAndel and DeVos to fuck off and then they should move on to another MLM scam where they can flog their tools. You can't be polite because Ambots won't back off. So you are left with 60 k say. Amway Wiki is one of the most popular Amway related websites on the internet, with nearly 20,000 visitors a month and an awful lot of that traffic comes from people searching for the names of individual Diamonds folk are looking for information, lets help them get the facts! It is now, of course, but then (if memory serves me right) it had more to do with the year 2000 than the name Amway. i am an ibo with 9% best wishes r with u to become diamond..plz tell me how many ibos r required to become silver..?i know it is volume based business but still how many people r required for silver? More fucked in the head than what Amway does to them. THOUSANDS have spoken out over the years. They flog overpriced shitty products to Ambots who are bullied by the upline to keep buying. Christ says "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven." We don't just ride on hope. I hate them more than I ever hated anyone in my entire life for what they did to her. !if u have not done anything in your life then dont be frusteted because Amway is the only way to get every thing in your life which you deserves. Indeed they do get speaking fees. Nobody wants Amway's overpriced soap or shampoo. In fact fact, I think they probably earned no more than $30,000 then. On the right side of this page you'll see under more information about Amway a link to a free ebook called Merchants of Deception. I am texting you "live" from this bull shit praise meeting that makes me want to VOMIT. Anna Banana's got wayy too much hate in his heart. Joe's commentary. Hold on Darnell, are you saying that your parent company doesn't provide full income disclosure of diamonds? It's their way or nothing at all. Love it! LAst time I checked, Christians do not go around calling those who In their better judgment , turn down a business opportunity , "losers" and "Negative". That is what cults do. This is called ignorance growing a mouth. Depending on the result the person would be a "hit" if they agreed to see the plan, a "miss" if there was no answer and a "flush" if they had the temerity to refuse the opportunity of a lifetime. People get fired. I find it hard to believe that there is a massive number of Amway folks doing that well. Lets see if you paid cash for the house then there wouldnt be a mortgage and impossible for a bank to foreclose. Its a system designed for failure. Mario's Mother Has Passed Away. Amway now has 17,000+ employees and operates in over 100 countries and territories throughout the world including Canada, China, India, Japan, and Thailand. Its a waste of time sharing our stories so others don't get sucked into the scam and go through the same financial and emotional distress. And yup everyone in our upline to Emerald had jobs other than Amway. Osuwariboy - he's being a bad little Ambot isn't he. They are in negative numbers that month. And they taste better. Talk it over with this person. My upline has been in it for 2 years and there paying off all of their bills now. Read that and it'll answer all your questions. Rip off! Amway isnt a scam. After all, as we speak, IBOs in your team are leaving and you have to replace them, otherwise you'll drop out of qualification! Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Ask your dad's friend to show you the ownership papers and his registration.If he's in Amway, he'll probably give you a lot of double-talk, and then pretend he didn't hear your questions. That is where the real money is, and it only goes to a fdew select "A-list " diamonds. They retired in 3 years and now live in a giant mansion in Honolulu. You can be like the majority of prospects and say you'll be there and just be a no show. Hey I'm the last dude who wasted my life reading this blog so far :D Just take a minute and think carefully guys, would you guys listen to a person speaking tons of bad words or a person speaking nicely? What about bankrupt Diamonds. Its about the only thing taught at Scamway meetings. You're wasting time, Anonymous! so how & how to do business.i am having very much hope in this When our sack of shit Platinum talked his downline into moving over to Monavie I estimate that was a loss of around $25,000/month to Amway. Yup the garage makes me suspicious he lives with mommy and daddy and they don't want his Amway shit in their house. Tyler we've heard all the brainwashed Amspeak before. . It's a common theme across many Amway Motivational Organizations (AMO). I know that they want you to be a couple in the business together but there is just Noway I can be in Amway. How could it be possible that Diamonds who buy everything with cash and dont take out loans and credit cards could declare bankruptcy. Hello frank, They all yap about freedom and dreams and how you'll be rich in 2 - 5 years even though the ones saying it have been in for a lot longer than that losing their money and pretending everything's going great. Yes, a Diamond who follows the instructions, which includes having 10 RETAIL customers every month and builds that ethic into their downline could make $150 K per year. takes only FALTU KA TV Tiem only It's like a stinking movie like the Postman by Kevin Kostner that I just can't turn off. Check % of it ! Either way Darnell showed up here spouting off lies and bullshit, undoubtedly duplicating what he's heard from the fucking lying assholes in his Amway upline. If one is available please contact me. "It must cost them a FORTUNE to have them recorded and copied." So, if you figure if Amway did half the revenue of Alticor, that would only financially support 361 diamondships (worldwide). THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME TO DO AMWAY BUISNESS BECAUSE ALL THE HURDLES HAVE BEEN REMOVED WITH REGARD TO THE BUISNESS BUILDING PROCESSS. Do you play Final Fantasy 14? Hey thanks! Alberta are now Diamonds in the World Wide Dreambuilders LOA in the Amway business. From one of ibofightbacks websitesIt's now official, Dean and Marcie Whalen in Edmonton, Alberta are now Diamonds in the World Wide Dreambuilders LOA in the Amway business.I believe it's been 6-7 years since WWDB has had a new Diamond and this is pretty awesome news. Hello, it's me again, back from the meeting. And surely you can find a commissioned sales job that pays better than $10/month. Don't like what you read here? Well FUCK YOU asshole! I almost busted a gut laughing. It wouldn't have been helpful if they quit now would it? Vicky - are you trying to tell us your ex-lover is a lying cheating scamming Amway Diamond and you want that fucker back? Sorry it doesn't meet your high standards. Amway is all about going into debt. Gokaiger cast member M.A.O. It's the only way to try to hold together a downline that is losing money month after month. This list will cover both current and former Amway Diamonds, U.S. and foreign, and living and deceased Diamonds covering the 50+ year history of the company. Our sack of shit Platinum got fired from Amway a few years ago and took most of the downline with him. I fail to see how financial and emotional distress is awesome but then I don't meet this ambot's high standards. Around here we're not dumb fucks who go around reading stuff that doesn't interest us or might otherwise piss us off. It's one thing to say show the plan and its another thing to actually find a sucker willing to take a look at it. In fact, 99% of Amway . Thank you for stopping by and setting us straight. ft. $725,000. Let me ask 1400 out of how many??? Check out this youtube video on some of my uplines getting really big bonus checks from Amway. Theo is either full of crap or Theo has a great deal of debt. ;) *ShakingMyHead*Mitchellinspiration.wwdb.bizFeel free to e-mail me with any assumptions and doubts about being an IBO, i would be happy to shatter your falsified assumptions. You can find stories online of people spending $192,000 to "make" $30,000 (shit, we think there are actual cults with a higher rate of return). Exactly as you mentioned. Flush that job! And does he owe me $50000? You are right on to the tee of your critical assessment of Amway. Anonymous - 95% of people are seeking solutions to what? For the calendar year 2021, the average income from Amway for all U.S. registered IBOs at the Founders Platinum level and below was $766 before expenses. But our Diamond distributors, because they bought in bulk, would have been given the same discount as a bookshop. I really just stumbled upon this blog but I took time out of my day to make a post. Business provides that, then that 's one of the 10 CORE bullshit is... 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