once upon a time fanfiction regina and david pregnant

When the villainous trio arrives, Maleficent recognizes the tree refused them because Snow White is pregnant, and her child, although born of true love, has great potential to be evil. Edmond insists on getting back at the Queen for destroying his village, but Snow reasons that stooping down to Regina's level won't make them any better than her. Leopold and Queen Eva and wife and true love of Prince Charming, the mother-in-law of Killian Jones, the grandmother of Henry Mills and Hope Swan-Jones, great-grandmother of Lucy Mills and grandmother-in-law of Ella Mills. Stepping out in her date outfit, Emma asks for her parents and Elsa's opinions. Choosing to fight, David takes on two of her henchmen before dueling with the warlord herself. Robert returns home empty-handed as he could not afford it, to which a wizard named Rumplestiltskin offers to pay them handsomely if he gives him one of the twins for a barren king and queen to raise as their heir. While lighting a candle to honor her, Prince Charming finds comfort in the fact though his mother is gone, he and Snow White can have a family one day. He is unwilling to leave her behind, and Mary Margaret agrees, suggesting they use the bean to send the trigger away. Casually, she asks if he has found a job yet, and David mentions he is now working at the animal shelter. Later, he learns out she is a wanted murder, Snow White, and he catches her in a trap where she spitefully dubs him "Prince Charming". After the meeting, Robin Hood brings Regina to help, but she can only slow down the spell. When hers and Charming's daughter was born, Snow wanted to keep her, but she could not for they needed Emma to escape the curse. Henry suffers physical pains as a side effect of repeatedly returning to the Netherworld, so David volunteers to be put under a Sleeping Curse to find Mary Margaret. When he inquires about her reason for helping him, Abigail takes Charming to a golden statue of the man she loves, Frederick, who became immobile after being touched by her father's curse. Zelena asks herself and goes into being a midwife to get closer to Snow and to get closer to the baby, but Zelena is later evealed. After scooping up some of the lake's water, a Siren in the form of a beautiful woman rises from below the surface. As thunder brews in the sky, everyone realizes the mermaid summoned a storm, but they remain unaware that the downpour will increase as their animosity for each other grows. David supposes that Hook has truly changed, to which a perplexed Emma says, from another room, that she can still hear them talking. In the aftermath, they find Henry missing, and later witness Greg and Tamara taking him into a portal. While they are trading insults, Elsa and Emma devise a plan to stop the curse by killing Ingrid. In her absence, David stays in the apartment, where Emma keeps watch on Megara, a prisoner that escaped from Cerberus. In the morning, he and Granny find Ruby in the woods, with no recollection of the night before, after she is missing from the freezer. Elsa, overhearing them, uses the potion to locate Emma and talk her out of it. The townspeople work to help David scale down into the hole with a rope and pull Anton to safety. At first, they try to find a method for escaping town, and David attempts to scale the ice wall, but the barricade is too powerful. THe women are later attacked by a Flying Monkeys and allow Robin Hood and the Merry Men to accompany them. Changed over helping Hercules with his unfinished business, Mary Margaret talks about the person she once was, someone who took risks even when she was afraid. After some threats, Mr. Gold deduces he is sending Belle across the town line as David realizes Moe's dirt-covered hands are evidence of being in the mines. Hyde asks for his freedom if Regina wants his help, but she is unwilling. Her plans to rescue Robin Hood are halted by Cruella kidnapping Henry, and sending a video pressuring them to kill the Author or she will kill the boy. ("The New Neverland"), After Regina takes magical preventive measures to undo Pan's casting of the Dark Curse, all the inhabitants of Storybrooke pay the price by returning to the Enchanted Forest and reverting to their prior personas. ("Pilot"), Directly after the meeting with Rumplestiltskin, Charming returns home with Snow, who is frantic about finding a way to stop the Queen's curse. Reverting to their former selves, Mary Margaret, Regina and David, who is still locked in his cell, burst into laughter at the ridiculousness of their prior disputes. The company eventually return home unaware that Henry is not himself, but Peter Pan had switched their bodies. As David takes his place at the table, everyone bursts into applause, while Mary Margaret goes out to the hallway to calm down baby Neal, where she runs into a still living Lancelot, who warns her Arthur is not to be trusted. David insists on going, and he departs from the room, after handing his son to Mary Margaret. Summary: Soon after moving to Boston to live with Emma, Henry begins to have regrets about leaving Regina behind. Giving her up was one of the hardest things Snow White had done. However, when this tactic yields nothing, David decides Mr. Gold actually remembers nothing. ("Dark Hollow"), While moving ahead to Pan's camp, a rustle from the jungle causes the entire group to assemble for battle, but it turns out to be only Regina and Mr. Gold. Later, Maleficent comes to the couple for help after Lily has threatened to leave town. With his encouragement, she melts the ice. First appearance: As the pair come across a burnt sheriff car, Regina approaches, explaining she spent the night drinking with the trio, during which Maleficent burnt the vehicle. The seven dwarves promise to protect Snow by housing her in their house, but as the potion deepens in her, Snow becomes cold and cruel to her friends, and she later tosses herself out of the house. Charmings' farmBlanchard loft (formerly)Evil Queen's palace (formerly)Nolan house (formerly)Royal castle (formerly)Ruth's farm (formerly) Portrayer Mary Margaret then insists he should go home to Kathryn, and though David knows she is right, he is unwilling to give up on his feelings for her. Zelena, freed of her cuff with Arthur's help, tethers Merlin to Excalibur, allowing Arthur to summon the sorcerer, ordering him disarm the group and then send them away. Suddenly, a shocked Emma returns home, revealing Neal died during a confrontation with Tamara, as her parents console her. He is the main reality version of Prince Charming (Wish Realm). Regina Mills only signed up to be a contestant in hopes to gain instagram followers and publicize her failing bakery, at least that's what she's telling herself. When Regina is brought in for questioning, David has no doubts that she murdered Archie. Emma agrees with her father and convinces her mom that she would rather wait for the right time to walk down the aisle, and for now, she and Hook are happy being together as a couple. They go into a separate room to debate about the pros and cons of helping someone from outside of town. Once Belle figures out what spell Zelena is intending to cast, David and the others return to Regina's house just after Mary Margaret was briefly possessed by Cora's spirit. Re-congregating in the library, they plan to blast through, but then David receives word from Belle that the nuns can create a counter spell with only the necklace. After a search, they do not find him, as Mr. Gold got to him first. Even more alarming, Emma discovers an override code was used to break into the office. After camping out one night, Snow White and Prince Charming disappear towards the Tree of Wisdom without the others' notice. After Hook is released from the hospital, David, Mary Margaret and Leroy question his alliance with Cora. Snow agrees but goes out to the balcony for some fresh air first. To open the cave, David helps pull a vine with Hook to unseal the entrance, though the wound is weakening him. At some point, David breaks out of the cell and joins forces with Hook. Parents She also believes Emma will use her abilities wisely. Both women are sent back to the Enchanted Forest with the aid of Mulan and Aurora. Abilities On Henry's insistence that Regina possesses light magic, she uses it to defeat Zelena once and for all. In a meeting at Regina's house, Mr. Gold reveals Hook intends to get revenge on him with a duel to the death. Hook suggests looking for a Dreamshade cure, but the latter refuses since it'll distract them from their mission to save Henry. King Leopold (Father)Queen Eva (Mother)Regina Mills (Stepmother) They agree to help and then take drive with Maleficent to the town line, where they witness Lily fly off in dragon form. Even so, Emma is upset they still made the choice and lied to her about it, although Mary Margaret insist they changed and tried to become the parents she deserves. When David sticks to his opinion about Arthur, Mary Margaret accuses him of being starstruck over a king, or that he's siding with Arthur to boost his own ego. The trio becomes a pair as Hook decides to stay behind and help Belle. Bedtime Series 13: Pricking her finger, Regina let a drop of blood fall into the potion she mixed together. When Daniel hears about Dr. Whale's accident, he rushes to the hospital with the assumption Regina is to blame. The Queen readily begins choking him while mocking him about his bloodlust, but with the arrival of Hook, Henry and Jasmine, she is outnumbered and eventually retreats. Then Gold comes with the idea to save David. To help them understand where Merlin is, Arthur shows them a tree in the courtyard which the sorcerer is trapped in. Regina Mills only signed up to be a contestant in hopes to gain instagram followers and publicize her failing bakery, at least that's what she's telling herself. Instead, they only tell her about Maleficent's return. Henry shows Emma an apartment listing so they can live in Storybrooke permanently. Atop of the dragon's lair, all but one knight perishes. As they storm into the cabin, Cruella pull a gun on them, although Mary Margaret quickly knocks her out. Conflicted, he asks Mary Margaret for advice, and she believes they must tell Kathryn the truth about their affair. Tired of playing games, Regina snatches the map and casts a locator spell on it, which leads them straight to Pan, who then sends the Lost Boys to engage them in combat. To elarn more of her past, Cora is sent back to the real world as she tries to enact her revenge on Snow, but Regina attempts to protect er numerous times and Snow learns why Cora abandoned Zelena. The Author admits he wrote Cruella's story and made it so she can never kill anyone, meaning Henry is not in danger, but the situation is a ploy for Mr. Gold to turn Emma dark. He runs across Mary Margaret, who is promoting Emma for sheriff. Though Prince Charming believes their child is a boy, Snow White knows it's a girl. Hook goes first by stating he shared a kiss with Emma, causing outrage from David, as well as his genuine feelings for her. The Queen moves to rip out her heart, but Prince Charming convinces her to question Regina about the boy's location. David grumbles at her comparison, wondering if she thinks the both of them kiss the same too, but before she can answer, he decides he doesn't want to know. David and Mary Margaret leave them to it and briefly discuss the what-ifs had he been raised by King George rather than his twin, and then the topic turns to returning to the Enchanted Forest. With an escaped King Arthur on the loose as well, David joins the search party to apprehend him, with the ex-king's corpse eventually being found on the Toll Bridge after Hades has killed him. Henry dislikes using such a dark tactic as it is not heroic at all, but no one has a response, leaving him to run out of the apartment as Emma follows. Just before leaving, the Blue Fairy requests to be trusted as she herself has the one thing they all need, which is hope. ("The Snow Queen"), Despite an all-night hunt, David, Elsa, Hook and Mary Margaret return home without finding Emma. Suddenly, Leroy alerts everyone to danger at the town line, in which no one can leave Storybrooke without losing their Enchanted Forest memories. Rather than let him die, the Queen gives King George the gold he desired from the transaction with King Midas, and she takes away Prince Charming as a prisoner. Josh Dallas (Adult)Luke Roessler (Child) David Nolan Inside the vault, Regina is found unconscious while one critical item is missing and now in Pan's hands, the curse scroll. Prince Charming is ecstatic, as this is the life he wanted for her, but she abruptly remarks that it is a shame it never happened since he failed her as a father. Out of nowhere, the building begins shaking, signaling Cora and Regina's arrival, and the foursome assemble for a fight. Venturing into the cave, they find Emma with a woman dressed in blue. During the first half of season three, Snow accompanies Emma, David, Regina and Hook to save Henry from Peter Pan. He discovers the Snow Queen lives under the name Sarah Fisher, but she is not listed anywhere in the town censuses. Pets: Age Hook, atoning for his thievery, decides against using the last bean for his selfish purposes, and allows Emma and her parents aboard to pursue Henry's captors. To rescue Robin's daughter from Hades, Regina and Robin plan to bypass Zelena's protection spell on the town hall through an underground tunnel. During one night, Charming and Snow are chatting at the table, oblivious to Edmond adding poison into a wine jug on the Queen's orders. After rejoining with everyone else, the group discover all of them have been branded, because the Dark Ones can only exist if living souls take their places in the Underworld. Neal Nolan's mother, step-daughter of the Evil Queen Regina Mills, the daughter of King SH elater grows mad with also helping raise Emma's younger brother, Neal, but finds it complicated. ouat; reginasdaughter # 10. Abruptly, David receives an call from Mary Margaret asking him to meet their new midwife, Zelena, at the apartment, and hesitates until Emma insists that he go. David regroups with them and they head to the forest to meet up with Little John, Marian and Robin Hood. Ruth suggests they sell the farm, and David begins traveling to Longbourne to fulfill her wishes. the couple work out a system of leaving behind notes and presents for each other when either of them are awake. ("Child of the Moon"), David is startled as Henry wakes up from his dream, stating that he met someone named Aurora, who says Emma and Mary Margaret are alive, and they need to stop Cora. Only on arrival at the diner to deliver the pouch, they discover Elsa's duplicity, and their hopes of a counter spell are dashed since it'll soon lose its potency. Regina tells them Tinker Bell lost all her fairy powers a long time ago and can't help infiltrate Pan's camp. David is shocked at the news, which he was not aware of, though it brings attention to the fact he's still married. At some point after this, Regina casts a protection spell on David and Snow's hearts in order to keep them safe from the Queen. He professes his desire to find Snow and convince her they belong together, which doesn't make sense to Red, as she clearly remembers Snow left to break up his wedding because of her love for him unless something changed. With Hook's help from the Underworld, Emma discovers Hades can be killed with the Olympian Crystal, but instead of her finishing him off, Zelena kills Hades after he murders Robin. Out of gratitude because he saved her life even though he didn't have to, she agrees to lead him to the Troll Bridge to bargain with the trolls who she sold the ring to. She was very vengeful, bent on killing her stepmother for killing her father and sending a huntsman in an attempt to kill her. ("7:15 A.M."), Although heartbroken, Charming cannot bear to marry a woman he does not love and runs off from the impending wedding. "Archie" then persuades Emma to stop lying to her family and to tell them about her secret. For the time being, they decide to leave the time portal untouched. Reappearing, the Queen demands an answer by sundown tomorrow or for every day Snow White refuses, one of her subjects will perish. Regina later plants the skeleton key in Mary Margaret's cell, which she uses to escape. A panicked Emma accidentally collapses a streetlight that begins falling on Hook, though David pushes him out of the way and takes the blow. With a storm approaching, David tries to dissuade her against releasing the bird, but she ignores his advice. The brown doublet and white undershirt worn by Prince Charming in several episodes, The ensemble Prince Charming is wearing during and after the events of the, Despite the fact that Prince Charming wore a wedding ring for his wedding in ". During the ceremony, Snow White drinks from chalice rumored to give eternal life while Ruth dies peacefully following the union. Mr. Gold, not interested in being a do-gooder, parts from the team, while David and the others continue with Operation Firebird, Henry's name for their mission. A fissure in the ice reveals Anna's lost necklace, which Elsa retrieves and she believes is a sign they will defeat Ingrid. Swan-Mills Family Fluff (Once Upon a Time) Little Regina Non-Sexual Intimacy Married Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan Sibling Rivalry Fluff and Smut The third installment in the Magical Misfire series. Unable to hold back their feelings, David and Mary Margaret passionately kiss. Flagging down the car, David searches the vehicle, opening the box, and he takes Maleficent's totem from it. She opens the box to find the tiara she once received from her mother, Queen Eva, on her coming-of-age birthday, and a card note from an old friend, Johanna. ("The Other Shoe"), One morning, David makes an abundance of pancakes for Emma. Though Neal should be dead, he is not due to Mr. Gold absorbing him into his body. He states they are simply not compatible together, but it should not stop Kathryn from pursuing her dream. As for the ingredients of Zelena's spell, as Belle explains, they are for a time spell to alter the past; namely to kill Eva and keep Cora from abandoning her first-born child. Mary Margaret thanks him for doing so since she feels more like her old self now. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. On arrival to the location, Prince Charming digs up night root but climbs up a tower when he hears a woman's plea for help. Prince Charming is based on the prince from the fairytale "Snow White", the Disney film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and the fairytale "Rapunzel", as well as Tom Canty from the novel, The Prince and the Pauper. Flashing his mother's ring, he sinks to one knee and proposes to her. She also reawakens David from his powerful sleeping curse. David is not very enthusiastic about the idea and when shown several houses from Mary Margaret, he turns down every one. Regina's plan of making a good impression and a graceful exit before the final 6 quickly goes awry. One day, a woman calling herself Joan arrives stating she knows his name from someone from Arendelle. Altogether, they go to a farmhouse and investigate a cellar, which was locked, but is now mysteriously open. ("New York City Serenade", "Witch Hunt", "A Curious Thing"), David and Mary Margaret recount to Emma the last memories they have of the day Pan's curse was stopped and how everyone was presumably sent back to the Enchanted Forest, but they only remember waking up in Storybrooke like it was another regular day. As Regina probes for the truth, she only stops when Emma's parents and Hook stumble upon what she is doing, with all of them horrified at her tactics. David agrees that Henry has taken after both Emma and Regina, who both put up walls. Unexpectedly, Regina intercepts the battle, saving Marian's life, by obliterating the being. Granny is curious about what they are doing at the fields, which Leroy quickly says is landscaping. He tells Mary Margaret about Arthur possibly helping Emma, but she reveals Lancelot's warning to her. Still, Emma is worried something bad will happen as he reasons she has to see the good in life that makes it worth living. Regina teaches Emma how to use and control her magic so that she and Regina's magic together might be able to defeat Zelena. I post a poll everyday with various options and you get to choose where the story is going. Hoping to find information on this, they go to a cave, where Neal once lived as a boy. Again, David finds the location is not to his liking and he complains about the area being drafty as well as needing a new paint job. She is truly in love with him, but seeing that they will never be together, she takes the potion to get rid of her pain. Rumplestiltskin hands him a bottled vial of true love encased in an egg to hide in the body of a beast. who is rumored to have the power of foresight. He is found by Emma and Ruby in a delirious state with a cut to his forehead. ("Welcome to Storybrooke"), David makes another breakfast tray for Mary Margaret, who is still staying in bed since the aftermath of Cora's death. 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