polynesian kingdom of atooi

Maybe something like that? Federal Marshal MO57254 Representing the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, C.K. PKOA,s status as an NGO/civil society observer group is not required to produce any reports to the U.N.except the groups in the civil society with a consultative status. Just maybe!! Hawaiian rulers were just as bad as other rulers around the world that oppressed and enslaved their people. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is a United Nations recognized indigenous sovereign nation that is part of the The Royal Union of Pacific Nations Polynesian Nations. Do you know where i can find a copy of the Annexation between the U S and the H K?? We respectfully request your kind understanding and assistance to apply the rules of law, in righting the wrong that has been perpetrated on the people of our island nation. IMUA! Out of Chaos, comes Order. Kalanikumai Ka Maka Uli'uli 'O Na Ali'i Hanohano, Kalanikumai Ka Maka'uli'uli ' Na Ali'i Hanohano, Kalanikumai Ka Makauliuli O Na Alii Hanohano, Kalanikumai Ka Maka'uli'uli Puamo'i 'O N Alii Hanohano, Journal of Captain Cooks Last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean on Discovery. I read comments about a lot of changes that would take place. Dayne Puni Gonsalves , his followers and his minions are Going Down, The You put a lot of effort into your opinion, or a Western learned view, on how Atooi came about. Ad taking over Kauai by Hawaiians today would be the most Hawaiian thing that has been done in Hawaii since it was overthrown. Which means the atooi is made up, belongs to another chain of Polynesian islands or it can float!!! Then we no need talk about each other. Or in cowardly appeasement. (Red flag #4) I think he may be a U.S. plant, assigned to confuse, as he claims the FBI opened an office in Kauai for his protection; from what? Mahalo! Keanu & uncle Donald didnt send me on a wild nene chase and if it were not for aunty Linda Lewis / Meheula (daughter of George Baines Meheula) telling me go to Kauai Id still be wandering searching on. This ancient nation was a part of The Royal Union of The Pacific Nations located in the Polynesian Triangle. Native Hawaiians never relinquished their sovereignty, is debra kekaualua. shows everyone. While I agree that the language spoken today may be somewhat different from that of pre-missionary arrival, it should not be looked down upon as being wrong. never saw us there in person our spirits were definately there with you!! Kala, you answered yes, so now I am waiting for Kalani to answer. And now for the GROUPS, its time for me to enter into a treaty as I long await my own crown, but I first must take a journey down the road leading to a castle where I will dine with a King before the crown will be bestowed upon me by his Majesty Burger King! That saying. I believe this request and declaration to restore our rightful independence and sovereignty to be supported by international rights and laws. Yes or No. So go take your advil, Ill Stick to my awa and pakalolo! Only the Nation in which said person wishes to make his claim has the responsibility to answer. Video by Cindy Ellen Russell. the 4th of July? it is a very Hawaiian thing. Can I use it to purchase bread and milk? His answer oh dis is kala, dis foa da nex an da nex an da nex genaration That was his SAME answer to like 4 or 5 different questions. I for one know many researchers including myself who would bring light to this pony show. Mahalo to Keanu Sai for all he has done and continues to do for the kanaka! Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. This Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is a United Nations recognized indigenous sovereign nation that is headquartered on the Island we call Kauai, and led by a descendant of ancient royalty, the Ali'i Nui (king) Aleka Aipoalani who currently reigns over the Kingdom from on the west side of Kauai, which is one of the most sacred and royal areas of . as well as other partner offers and accept our. All Polynesian languages were once a single language spoken in a single place. Implies occupation over a nation of people not limited to race. In order to rectify an illegal action performed by the Federal Government of the United States, and to correct a long-standing wrong perpetrated on the people of Atooi (currently known as the islands of Kauai and Niihau, a County of the State of Hawaii), we the Alii, representing the native Customary Chiefs, declare and expect Atooi to once again be a separate sovereign nation controlled entirely by the rightful heirs and owners, the Alii. To bad I didnt do my research before getting the ID and giving them $25. Either they The operative word here is preposterous. However, if you believe that the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists and that Hawaii is not part of the United States, then it follows that federal courts have no jurisdiction. Hawaiians will be subject to the Law just like you and everyone else. REALIZE, Most groups do it out of aloha for our Kanaka, our keiki, our aina and our Lhui the best that they know how! POLYNESIAN KINGDOM OF ATOOI UN recognized Sovereign Nation . It is with utmost respect for the authority of your office and position and for you personally, that we wish to inform you of our intent to restore the rightful ownership of the Kingdom of Atooi (currently referred to as the Islands of Kauai and Niihau) in order to re-establish autonomous self-governance of our Kingdom for the benefit of all Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian people residing herein. We could learn from one anadda but NO!! The circumstances by which Hawaii was annexed by the U.S. are so sketchy that Congress felt obliged to issue an apology in 1993. I question their integrity, I question their logic and I question their complete lack of leadership and the negative precedent that this sets for the Hawaiian community, she said. The assaulted a couple of OHA staff, harassed and intimidated others, announcing that they were there to "seize" assets. Na Iwi Kupuna are crying in there Iwi baskets!! According to the Star-Advertiser, the Prosecutors Office also seems to want no part of this case. I mean no disrespect to the Aipolani family but those people have my bloodline. Always am amazed at the way you keep things pono. Or as my Maori 4th cousins would say, noho i rotou i tou rohe. But certainly poorly written. Pilikia NUI!! Representing the "Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi","Ali'i Nui (King) Mana Temaiana" Dynasty of "Amo Teriirere Tati Pomare Puni" and "High Chiief Miko Toofa Poui. As for me and my ohana.. Atua is Alii. http://www.jfvcoins.com/Kingdom-of-Atooi-2-kala-2012/en. A fool and his money are soon parted! if he can stop Matson or Hawaiian Airlines, bet you he no can! A second-day story by Star-Advertiser writer Timothy Hurley did a much better job characterizing the group. And one more thing about misinformation, the other night I watched the story about Hokulea by Kathy Muneno, it was great except for one thing I had an issue with, now I know that TV is based upon drama and I wasnt around 600 years ago, but where did the information come from that Voyaging between Hawaii and Tahiti, navigating only by natures clues, ended about 600 years ago. 2013 1778 = 235 years! U,N, accepted a standard application from PKOA. This is pretty atypical. ? in 1897 90% of the people of the H K did not want to part of the U S Today how many hawaiians want to be indians?? This is what the DPI(Department of Public Information) at the United Nations confirms: Dayne Puni Gonsalves applied in 2010 as an NGO(non-governmental organization) with the United Nations under a civil society status. No dwellings or residences will be created, but access to worship our ancestors at ancient traditional sites and the ability to fish the waters around these islands will be available to the people of Atooi.Governor Lingle, as the Chief Executive of the State of Hawaii, who has sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the State of Hawaii, it is incumbent upon you to fulfill that which is your legal responsibility, your civil duty, as well as your moral imperative to impose justice and right the wrongs which have been unfairly and unlawfully perpetrated upon our ancestors and their descendents. Irish and Russians are both people who dont put with anyones entitled BS, and Ireland is one the strongest fighters world wide for native equality and people who have had their land occupied and stolen, the way England has done to Ireland. Auwe no hoi e!! it is a full on sham formed by the united states of America to complicate things more for the kanakamaole people. Enlarge Polynesian Triangle To be honest, my underlying fear relates to the details of how some of the rings I am reading here would actually work. We need to fill the kingdom with real people, people with real things to offer the Kingdom, not haole things. the greatest resemblance to each other are the Hawaiian, the Marquesan, and that of New Zealand; the Tahitian comes next, and differs chiefly from them in abridging the words, and Sad, sad to know that our history has been so polluted and obstructed that a kanakas worst enemy is another kanaka. He signed Executive Order No. United Nations does not participate nor keep a registry of people with Atooi IDs as he and his Moi Wahine claims. We respectfully request your prompt response within 10 days of receipt of this letter and declaration. Currently, given that Russia and China are actively trying to expand their territory it seems like the US would have a hard time stepping away from Hawaii but I think they would if they could maintain bases, etc. Hawaiian never had a written form, thus, any romanization is equally as relevant. Any inference that the IDs, Passports, License Plates and any other identifications the group produces for its membership has no legal reference to the United Nations. President Cleveland appointed the former Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, James Blount, as a Special Envoy to Hawaii. Huh ha! I think problems include these: It's a direct insult to the Hawaiian Kingdom nation! The men were part of the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, a Kauai-based organization that one of them, Ene Faletogo, describes as the descendants of a royal lineage that predates King Kamehameha I.. (race not a factor) to get together, not with that HISTORY TIMELINE Before 1840s: The Polynesian Kingdom of Hawaii is the ancestrial name of the current state of Hawaii. aloha keanu, how does hawaiian kingdom fund all the valuable documents and time line clearly establish grand info, but the use of a 501c3 would be problematic if that is how you are able to keep on keeping on. Kanaka remain subjects of its independent nation state. Right On-Mon!!! Ive been told when the child is adopted the child is removed from the biological line and takes on a new identity removing the child once. Dumb ass! A man once told me this, watch what you say to people, if the Ha that comes out of your mouth is negative, it creates hewa and will come back to you 10 folds.. In other words, I was told that a recent group that was accepted was the Jehovahs Witness Divinity Group. Nothing. Research show that between 1820 and 1832 the literacy rate for Hawaiians in the Hawaiian Kingdom was 90% t0 96%. There are so many groups with I get the bank account, I get the money, the license plate, I get the alii line and numerous other innuendos. It is the year 2012 and the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi (PKOA) is finally recognized by the United Nations as an indigenous sovereign nation. oh did you bro. Youre against an Independent Hawaiian Kingdom. thats why! They cannot take what is not in their name so it has already been decided. Its very sad so many of our people were led to believe the opala pertaining to this group and many others! If you ever heard him speak chances are you heard him say: I no read books (Red flag #1). How you can be MAOLI and not be in favor of a laau. been hearing alot too. Mahalo for your info. He says the groups identification as a self proclaimed kingdom isnt valid. The legal matters currently pending in the United Nations and the Fourth Geneva Convention by the Acting Hawaiian Kingdom Government by its Ambassador Keanu Sai already acknowledges the Kingdom of Hawaii as a sovereign and independent State. Shame these kids get to play their hate games,name calling and judgments here on this so called pono Hawaiian kingdom blog and to top it off they claim to be part of Akua. I met Keanu Sai twice, first with Kale Gumapac and second at my classmates and good friend Jr. Kaholowaa house. Most of us at one time or another has become associated with one or more of the sovereignty groups. News reports did not indicate whether or not Gonzalves was part of the occupying group. All documentation clearly shows that the United States government has admitted to have taken over their independent sovereign nation in a bloodless coup, performed by wealthy agricultural businessmen/ landowners, who were supported by the federal governments troops in Honolulu, in direct violation of the United States Constitution. Much of IT is all documented black and white, so although tedious, it is up to all of us, including Poo minded to continue Excluding those storylines without value, truth or integritymove on to the next and so on, until the story line has no errors and the entire world knows what is and what is not. And the uneducated wants us Hawaiians While answering questions by people there witnessing this fiasco, I was totally embarrassed for him. For this copy-right-now-space/copy-claim of the Crown of the Mauri Nation website/documents/authority/performance is with the perpetuity by the creators, authors, claimants, Crown of the Mauri Nation Executive Royal Principals. Im sure Bernie Madoff was very good at what he did if not Do take caution Braddahs & Sistahs. Hawaiians were killed or maimed all the time for silly infractions Evidence? clients anymore! 103-150, which accurately state: the indigenous Hawaiian Aloha Tim, PKOA group membership is strictly an agreement with their own following with their own database and with any apparatus they utilize. All the other agendas are mute. This sovereign nation was illegally seized in a coup over a hundred years ago and has therefore never legally belonged to, nor been a part of the United States. Enclosed with this letter you will find documents which clearly outline the history of the illegal takeover of our kingdom, our credentials of ownership and sovereignty, our current position, and our requests to rectify this situation. 639 Followers, 3,084 Following, 151 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi/HK (@pkoahk) pkoahk. As Governor, it is your legal duty and ethical responsibility to execute the following directives and executive orders: An Executive Order for the removal of the artificially created Territory of Hawaii from the Kingdom of Atooi. An Executive Order for the removal of Executive Proclamation 3309, for footing with the 48 American Republic Union States. An Executive Order for the removal of the fictitiously created State of Hawaii and its Corporate Subdivision, the County of Kauai (which includes the islands of Atooi and Oneeheow), from the Kingdom of Atooi. An Executive Order for the negotiation of all fraudulent courts (including, but not limited to: District, Circuit, Family Courts, etc.) : the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. He should have spent some kala on PR people, instead of paying for those two deputies of his (these two were super funny) Anyways. We wish to restore the rights, honor and freedoms which are implicit in a legal system of national self-governance and deserved by all inhibitions of the free and independent nation of Atooi, regardless of age, race or ethnicity.Therefore, as the current Chief Executive of the State of Hawaii, sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the laws of Hawaii, we expect and demand that you abide by those laws and rectify the wrong that has devastated our land and culture. And, a group of interest in this NGO civil society status could even be The Boy Scouts of America, thats the equivalent group category. be one so the U.S. can continue its HEWA against Although then-U.S. president Grover Cleveland criticized the events in Hawaii, which he had not authorized, his successor, William McKinley, had no problem annexing Hawaii in 1898. No one is perfect, add all the hewa that our people have had to endure and we get a situation that is expected to produce very un-pono actions. The only thing that was overthrown was the government. This should be very enlightening for everyone to know. Sounds like a spoof of Alema Leota in the 1970s. learning about the actual history of Hawaii, screw The United Nations interviewer from DPI confirms the following: PKOA/the Hawaiian Kingdom Group is an NGO/civil society observer only. Ok, Kala and Kalani are one and the same. Dumb Ass!! Theyre mutually exclusive. Lesson learned. 151 posts. The so-called "Kingdom of Atooi" is controlled by Dayne Gonzalves of Kekaha, a small community on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. Thats that. On the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi website, it is claimed that "Atooi" is translated in the native language to mean "Light of God," but this is not correct because "Atooi" is not a Hawaiian word, but rather a British version of a Hawaiian word spelled using British phonics. Founded 5 companines, three of. And, my message to you is Bring it On.. (according to what Im reading). This inequity is questionable at best, said Lewis. God Bless!! And this group of Americans taught kanala maoli the written form as they (missionaries) translated into what they heard. All kanaka should do their genealogy to know their lineage. I, Dayne Aipoalani, believe myself to be, and can document myself to be the Alii Nui, the rightful consanguine heir of my ancestors and as such, have full rights to ownership and governance of this native land and nation. their names on that 1897 Kue Petition! While high bail has been applied to Native Hawaiian seeking to protect the land, these men were released on $100 bail, Lewis noted. He refused. Very good questions! We thank you in advance for adhering to the dictates of the United States Constitution, in righting this wrong and for duly restoring the homelands of Atooi to the lawful heirs and owners. Purchase bread and milk of this letter and declaration changes that would take place Annexation between U... Has been polynesian kingdom of atooi in Hawaii since it was overthrown include these: it & # x27 ; S direct. Know their lineage can be MAOLI and not be in favor of a laau heard... Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi/HK ( @ )... 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