is the inner-most container node. In most cases, you can use the short These are the values key1=value1, key2=value2 and so on in the following example: input | ansible.builtin.regex_findall(key1=value1, key2=value2, ). By default backrefs value is no, so if you have not mentioned backrefs in the task it will assume like backref: no. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? These are the values key1=value1, key2=value2 and so on in the following examples: input is ansible.builtin.regex(key1=value1, key2=value2, ) and input is not ansible.builtin.regex(key1=value1, key2=value2, ). Can non-Muslims ride the Haramain high-speed train in Saudi Arabia? This means that you can now simply use 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Regular expression string that defines the match. You're welcome. Follow the installation instructions to install that collection. it will create new file and it will add the line to file. To create a namespaced UUIDv5 using the default Ansible namespace 361E6D51-FAEC-444A-9079-341386DA8E2E: To make use of one attribute from each item in a list of complex variables, use the Jinja2 map filter: To get a date object from a string use the to_datetime filter: For a full list of format codes for working with python date format strings, see the python datetime documentation. Issue Tracker This describes keyword parameters of the test. What is the syntax within the regex_search() to match against a variable? This filter is built upon jmespath, and you can use the same syntax. Here i used path parameter, path parameter tells the lineinfile to which file it has to modify So in the path parameter we should mention path of the file which we are going to modify. Force the search to be case insensitive if True, case sensitive otherwise. 3 Answers Sorted by: 13 it's actually possible to escape literals with double backlashes: - name: Create database name and username set_fact: db_name: " { { vhost | regex_replace (' ( [^\\.]*)\\. {name: "domain.server[?starts_with(name,'server1')].port", "domain.server[?contains(name,'server1')].port", "^(?P\\d+)\\s+(?P\\w+)\\s+(?Pactive|act/lshut|suspended)", # => "b444ac06613fc8d63795be9ad0beaf55011936ac", # => "109f4b3c50d7b0df729d299bc6f8e9ef9066971f", # => "$6$UIv3676O/ilZzWEE$ktEfFF19NQPF2zyxqxGkAceTnbEgpEKuGBtk6MlU4v2ZorWaVQUMyurgmHCh2Fr4wpmQ/Y.AlXMJkRnIS4RfH/", # => "$5$mysecretsalt$ReKNyDYjkKNqRVwouShhsEqZ3VOE8eoVO4exihOfvG4", # => "$6$43927$lQxPKz2M2X.NWO.gK.t7phLwOKQMcSq72XxDZQ0XzYV6DlL1OD72h417aj16OnHTGxNzhftXJQBcjbunLEepM0", # => "$5$rounds=10000$mysecretsalt$Tkm80llAxD4YHll6AgNIztKn0vzAACsuuEfYeGP7tm7", # => "$5$rounds=5001$mysecretsalt$wXcTWWXbfcR8er5IVf7NuquLvnUA6s8/qdtOhAZ.xN. For example, a registered variable might contain a dictionary when your next task needs a list, or a user prompt might return a string when your playbook needs a boolean value. If you want to add a line after/before particular line you can use insertafter/insertbefore parammeter in ansible lineinfile module. regex_findall can be used to perform a regular expression search for a string matching one or more patterns. Regexp is used to modify the particular line in the file. Find a vector in the null space of a large dense matrix, where elements in the matrix are not directly accessible. This describes the input of the filter, the value before | ansible.builtin.regex_replace. will parse the output from the show vlan | display xml command. Ansible regex with assert operator. You can link here as a reference. Regular expression string that defines the match. Incomplete \ifodd; all text was ignored after line. You can create custom Ansible filters as plugins, though we generally welcome new filters into the ansible-core repo so everyone can use them. I've added examples. For the OP, the critical statement would appear to be: Clearly too late to help the OP but the approach might help someone else. output and return JSON data. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? Copyright Ansible project contributors. If you are working within a role, you can also add a defaults/main.yml to define the default values for variables in your role. which is an XPath expression relative to the root node (). Let's say foo.txt contains the following. The tasks below give the same results. Use select and test the length. Ansible would report the following error: We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with Calling Ansible hostvars group variable at later point in play, How to properly manage Ansible regex for network device, Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file. : You can select or combine items from sets or lists. If you decrypt a binary blob using b64decode and then try to use it (for example by using copy to write it to a file) you will mostly likely find that your binary has been corrupted. This describes keyword parameters of the filter. 4 Answers Sorted by: 6 Not the most beautiful thing but this works: - item.key | regex_search ('^' + vcsourcekit | string) Without the cast to string, I get a cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects on ansible and I don't have time to update just now. For example, a variable that is lower in the list will override a variable that is higher up. For example: shell: cmd="base64 --decode > myfile.bin" stdin="{{ encoded }}". In this example, the default None (Python null) value will cause the later filters to fail, which will trigger the or omit portion of the logic. *)$' to '\^f\.\*o(\.\*)\$', # with path == 'nginx.conf' the return would be ('nginx', '.conf'), # with path == 'nginx.conf' the return would be 'nginx', # with path == 'nginx.conf' the return would be '.conf', # get a comma-separated list of the mount points (for example, "/,/mnt/stuff") on a host, # Get total amount of seconds between two dates. 0. Repository (Sources) So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? The code works in Ansible running on Debian 9 (Raspbian "Stretch"). How can I match "anything up until this sequence of characters" in a regular expression? # Returns a list of all IPv4 addresses in the string, 'Some DNS servers are and', # Convert "localhost:80" to "localhost, 80" using named groups, # add "https://" prefix to each item in a list, # convert '^f.*o(. Raw regex_test.yml --- ## Example of use of filter regex_search - hosts: localhost through formatted as JSON. will parse the output from the show vlan command. This returns only number of days and discards remaining hours, minutes, and seconds, Controlling where tasks run: delegation and local actions, Working with language-specific version managers, Discovering variables: facts and magic variables, Playbook Example: Continuous Delivery and Rolling Upgrades, Protecting sensitive data with Ansible vault, Virtualization and Containerization Guides, Controlling how Ansible behaves: precedence rules, Ansible Map Filter Examples - Looking up an Attribute Ansible Map Examples - using other Filters Using Replace filter with Ansible Map Using Extract filter in Ansible Map - with List/Sequence Using Extract filter in Ansible Map - with Dictionary/Hashtable Conclusion What is Ansible Map Filter and How it works? Regular expression string that defines the match. then remove the. Copyright Ansible project contributors. After I've found Use Jinja match filter instead of regex_match This is due to historic behavior and the custom re-implementation of some of the Jinja internals in Ansible. Dot product of vector with camera's local positive x-axis? Defining different values for true/false/null (ternary), Combining items from multiple lists: zip and zip_longest, Selecting values from arrays or hashtables, Selecting from sets or lists (set theory), Hashing and encrypting strings and passwords, Searching strings with regular expressions. In this example, Hello is replaced with Goodbye. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Oct 19, 2017 at 23:34 jscott 24.3k 8 78 99 If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? Force the search to be case insensitive if True, case sensitive otherwise. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. To select a single element or a data subset from a complex data structure in JSON format (for example, Ansible facts), use the json_query filter. Can I use a vintage derailleur adapter claw on a modern derailleur. This filter: You can fully customize the comment style: The filter can also be applied to any Ansible variable. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! for details. Dot product of vector with camera's local positive x-axis? Use the k8s_config_resource_name filter to obtain the name of a Kubernetes ConfigMap or Secret, UPDATE 10/2022: See further explanations/answers in story responses! Would it Replace all the Matching Lines? Last updated on Feb 17, 2023. ansible.builtin.regex_search(positional1. You can also use the Ansible vault filter to encrypt data: And then decrypt it using the unvault filter: Several filters work with text, including URLs, file names, and path names. If you order a special airline meal (e.g. The value of top is the XPath relative to the XML root node. If the line is already existed then it wont add that line again. Configuration entries for each entry type have a low to high priority order. Repository (Sources) document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ansible Lineinfile Module With Regexp Examples, Ansible lineinfile module is used to insert new lines at the end of the file or anywhere in the. For example, a variable that is lower in the list will override a variable that is higher up. Copyright Ansible project contributors. :) I noticed that if I use the expression in a when clause then I need to place parentheses around the colon. Default date format is %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S but you can pass your own format, # Get remaining seconds after delta has been calculated. It modifies the behaviour of combine when the hashes to merge contain arrays/lists. Q1.) Though it works for one line - Is this ok [y/N]: y. Regex that I have used for both lines is Installed . Ansible lineinfile module is used to insert new lines at the end of the file or anywhere in the file. Run: I was trying to use expect with Ansible to automate package installation (in below example - uninstall). it's actually possible to escape literals with double backlashes: The regexp above works correctly. To convert the XML output of a network device command into structured JSON Input This describes the input of the filter, the value before | ansible.builtin.regex_replace. if the file is already existed then it will append to end of file. *)$ will always match only one result, while (. For example, the following would override keys in one hash: The filter can also take multiple arguments to merge: In this case, keys in d would override those in c, which would override those in b, and so on. Truce of the burning tree -- how realistic? These are the values positional1, positional2 and so on in the following example: input | ansible.builtin.regex_replace(positional1, positional2, ). How did StorageTek STC 4305 use backing HDDs? These filters have migrated to the ansible.netcommon collection. What if there are More than one Matches sorted string list of integers according to IOS-like VLAN list rules. Always quote template expression brackets when they Enable the jinja2_native setting if you want the regex_search filter to always return None if it cannot find a match. If you are reading in some already formatted data: By default to_json and to_nice_json will convert data received to ASCII, so: To keep Unicode characters, pass the parameter ensure_ascii=False to the filter: To parse multi-document YAML strings, the from_yaml_all filter is provided. I have written following code but regular expression and storing the variable both have some issues. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Required fields are marked *. The parameter is only available for blowfish (BCrypt). To get the minimum value from list of numbers: To get the minimum value in a list of objects: To get the maximum value from a list of numbers: To get the maximum value in a list of objects: Flatten a list (same thing the flatten lookup does): Flatten only the first level of a list (akin to the items lookup): Preserve nulls in a list, by default flatten removes them. In the following examples i will show you how to use ansible lineinfile module with different parameters like regexpto insert new lines. Example #1: Using the Expect command to change the MySQL database password --- - name: Ansible playbook to test the Expect command hosts: winservers tasks: - name: Example of Encrypt Password of the sql mysql server using expect expect: chdir: "C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.7\\bin" Ansible find supports python regular expression pattern using a special parameter named use_regex this should be set to yes which would otherwise be no all the time by default. By default, Ansible fails if a variable in your playbook or command is undefined. You must manually install the jmespath dependency on the Ansible controller before using this filter. However, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to the Last updated on Feb 17, 2023. This lets you specify individual subelements to use in a template. How can I set an Ansible variable depending on hostname? Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? For example, map from_yaml, create a list of dictionaries, and selectattr. Use the type_debug, dict2items, and items2dict filters to manage data types. --- - name: Upgrade NX-OS on switch with pre-checks to load image as required . This symbol represents the line starting with, if you want to know more different options you should learn python regexp. To escape special characters within a standard Python regex, use the regex_escape filter (using the default re_type='python' option): To escape special characters within a POSIX basic regex, use the regex_escape filter with the re_type='posix_basic' option: To get the last name of a file path, like foo.txt out of /etc/asdf/foo.txt: To get the last name of a windows style file path (new in version 2.0): To separate the windows drive letter from the rest of a file path (new in version 2.0): To get the rest of the path without the drive letter: To get the directory from a windows path (new version 2.0): To expand a path containing a tilde (~) character (new in version 1.5): To expand a path containing environment variables: expandvars expands local variables; using it on remote paths can lead to errors. items is a dictionary of key-value pairs that map user-defined names to XPath expressions For examples, see jmespath examples. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. In the all above examples we discussed about the line started with, since i mentioned the symbol(^). Not all lists use key to designate keys and value to designate values. For that, use total_seconds(), # This expression evaluates to "12" and not "132". Here is the example playbook with the regular expression pattern . Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The spec file should be valid formatted YAML. It only takes a minute to sign up. The line is already existed then it wont add that line again Sources ) so what * is the. String list of dictionaries, and items2dict filters to manage data types lists use key designate... Or command is undefined '' and not `` 132 '' also be applied to any Ansible variable behaviour of when! Stdin= '' { { encoded } } '' so everyone can use the FQCN for easy linking to the node... 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