Due to its curly hairs this species has a wooly like appearance . The curly hair will tunnel in its substrate, lining the outer area and inner walls with its silk to build a home for itself. The Nicaraguan flag is simple and classy, primarily featuring white and a light shade of blue. Drop the prey into the enclosure and your pet will eat it. They are typically docile. These spiders are generally calm, hardy, and easy to care for, making them ideal for those who are new to raising tarantulas as pets. It does not store any personal data. In an enclosure, you can feed them live, pesticide-free insects such as crickets and roaches. Ask to visit with the animals before taking one home. Tarantulas usually dont face significant health problems when fed the proper diet and kept in a suitable environment. The two types are the Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula and the Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula. The passive behavior of these tarantulas makes it a personal favorite among those who like handling their spiders. Because not all veterinarians specialize in exotic pets, make sure there is a vet near you who will see a tarantula before you acquire one. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. However, curly hair tarantulas are easily spooked, so you should keep any handling to a minimum. Some spiders won't mind sitting on your hand or arm, as long as you handle them very calmly and gently. They have a brown body with a lighter-colored stripe running down their abdomen. The curly haired tarantula (also written as curlyhair tarantula) hails from Nicaragua or Honduras. Spend some time cleaning the enclosure every few weeks or once a month. The Nicaraguan Curly Hair tarantula is a fast growing species, with spiderlings reaching 3 inches in a year. The enclosure needs plenty of floor space for the tarantula to walk around. This tarantula has a fairly average growth rate, reaching its maximum legspan from its spiderling stage in a couple of years. Thus, spraying or misting is not required, humidity levels as such can easily be obtained by simply having a water dish. If she is successfully fertilized, she will drop her egg sac and will then guard her protected clutch of eggs for a span of about 8 weeks, which is the average incubation period until they hatch. Make sure the spider can easily climb in and out of the dish. Also, the curly hair tarantula care sheet recommends a humidity level of 60 to 75% from January to April and 75 to 85 F from May to December. Mostly, those actions are a sign that your spider is getting ready to molt. The humidity facilitates this procedure, as too dry of an environment could be this species ruin. In fact, the Honduran Curly Hair is said to be one of the most active tarantulas, making it a lot of fun to observe. Dont forget to keep a shallow water dish in the enclosure for your pet to sip water from. Please keep the tank/enclosure out of direct sunlight. Temp: 24 - 28C. JavaScript is disabled. The sac is incubated in her nest for 7 - 8 weeks. Curly hair tarantulas are new world tarantulas that can be found in places such as Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Its affordable, agreeable, and a great addition to any tarantula collection.. Curly hair tarantulas make for interesting and quiet pets. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Bedding should be changed out completely every 4 to 6 months or so anyway. Also, tarantula fanciers take better care of females because they give birth and that means more tarantulas! Medium growth rate, taking a few years to reach full size. Do not overheat the terrarium. Unlike arboreal spiders, these guys will need more legroom than height, so you should consider the ground space they will need rather than height. 70% humidity is best for these species. Unlike many other species, the curly hair tarantula can frequently be seen out and about inside its enclosure. You can find them at pet stores easily, but we recommend you also try to look for a rescue group or at least make sure you buy from a licensed, reputable breeder. You will enjoy this spider for many years. Cornell University. As with all tarantula species in your care, remove any excess feeders from your enclosure after a day, and wait a week to resume . The humidity recommended for these species are between 65 - 70%. However, some females tend to get triggered when the humidity and temperature are both increased a bit. Due to his long, white curly hairs, he looks much closer to a Nicaraguan than a Honduran, so much so that I initially assumed he was a Nicaraguan. Grammostola pulchra - Unsexed - Brazilian Black. Unreceptive females are likely to be aggressive towards approaching males and may try to kill and eat them.[4]. Some experts believe that Honduran curly hair tarantulas are the same as Nicaraguan while others believe that they are hobby form meaning hybrids and not thoroughbred. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Should You Keep a Pet Mexican Redleg Tarantula? Moderately rapidly growing. 2023 Beyond The Treat | About Us | Contact | Legal | an Inman Media company, 800+ Types of Tarantulas: Different Species, Behaviors, & Appearances, Lasiodora parahybana 101: Care, Enclosure, Temperament & More. As New World tarantulas, whenever they feel threatened, they are more likely to kick off some of the chunky urticating (stinging) hairs from their abdomen instead of delivering a nibble. Slings tend to sell for around $30, unsexed juveniles are about $50, and sexed adults are about $75 for males and $100 for females. Curly hair tarantulas have a leg span of around 5 to 6 inches across. Read our, Curly Hair Tarantula Behavior and Temperament. Once captured in large numbers for the international pet trade, the curlyhair tarantula is now bred in captivity worldwide and relatively few are caught in the wild. When this happens, they will then use their sensitive leg hairs to pick up vibrations in order to attack. Because of this, Brachypelma albopilosumrequires a typical terrestrial tarantula enclosure an enclosure thats longer and wider than it is tall. Eats crickets once a week, temp 73-82, humidity 45-65, 10gal tank. Barron's. (~$8) Most of the bristles are a dark brown to black color, but some are golden. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Never mistaken for once that these docile and mild tempered species can get along with other tarantulas. They typically grow to be around 5-7 inches in legspan and are brown in color. All lights, even artificial can also mess with their sleep-wake cycle. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram $ 0.00 0. This guide will tell you all that you need to know about this fascinating tarantula species in terms of what to expect and how to care for them properly. Your curly hair tarantula bite is not venomous or fatal but it can sting like a bees. Back to species list. In captivity both male and female specimens have grown to have a leg span of just over 6 inches, however, males live a shorter life at only 5 years in captivity opposed to females reportedly living up to 20 years. Their calm, laid-back demeanor makes them the easiest pet tarantula to handle and they are also hardy spiders; perfect for beginners. Best Bird Cage for Cockatiel 2023 Top 6 Picks! But its often easier to go through a reputable breeder or exotic pet rescue group. I bought mine as a Nicaraguan curly hair sling, at the time I did not realize there were apparently two forms of this spider, considering the gentlemen selling them at the show had both I should have asked.. Feeding them a steady diet of crickets every week will ensure their healthy growth (more on feeding your curly hair tarantula below). The site was founded by Zach David, who currently shares his home with 3 cats and a tarantula named Emily. Lighting In today's video we discuss the question, is the curly hair. Another option is coconut husk bedding, which is available at many pet stores. Unlike some other tarantulas, the Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula is not known to be aggressive. No. They are known for their long, curly hair which gives them their name. However, they also like to burrow. Do keep an eye out on your pet during this phase. It is vital to offer appropriate-sized feeders to decrease the danger of injuries during the feeding procedure. Different insects such as mealworms, Dubai roaches, and live crickets are simply obtainable curly hair spider food available at many pet stores. Slings ~ $30, Males ~ $50, Females ~ $100+. They often like to hang around near large tree bases, in cleared patches of rainforest, and near rivers. Does a curly hair tarantula make a good pet for kids? This is definitely a good beginner tarantula. A fall from even a few feet can seriously injure or kill them. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. And, while some people do handle their tarantulas, they are mostly hands-off pets. So an ideal terrarium or enclosure would be 40 x 30 x 30 (L x W X H). The Curly Hair Tarantula (Brachypelma albopilosum) is a popular species of tarantula as a pet. Generally, they are not an aggressive species unless you really give them a reason to be. To begin with, this is a new world tarantula, meaning that its very laid-back, friendly, and prefers to run away instead of fighting a potential threat. 4. If someone is allergic to curly hair tarantula venom, then there is a chance that they could go into anaphylactic shock. However, they are also rather delicate, so handle your buddy with extreme care. When Your Pet Has Eight Legs. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. But if your spider has become tired or isnt eating, consult your veterinarian to help you diagnose the root cause of its condition. $19.99. In captivity, the curly hair tarantula lifespan is 5 years for males and nearly 20 years for females (some even last up to 25 years!). It has a golden-bronze sheen due to longer gold bristles that cover the whole body, which are particularly dense on the hind legs. Our Editor's Pick: Hagen Exo Terra Glass Terrarium Kit. Curly Hair tarantulas are quite easy to handle and are not skittish by nature. However, it is quite fast compared to other tarantulas in the genus, making it more attractive for beginners as theres a quicker payoff. Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula. Tarantulas and other Arachnids: A complete pet owner's manual. Like other tarantula species, curly hair tarantulas eat worms, roaches, mealworms, wax worms, crickets, etc. This can be achieved through a heating pad which can be placed under its tank. There arent a lot of essential supplies that your tarantula needs, so dont skimp out when creating their enclosure. [4], The species was first described by Carlos Valerio in 1980, as Brachypelma "albopilosa". They have have rose-colored hairs on their bodies and legs, while their carapace is black. A tarantula uses its pair of teeth to inject poison into its prey to kill it. . However, a much more experienced keeper on this forum informed me that he is indeed Honduran form. Now with new benefits! The insects should be no larger than the size of your tarantula's body. This will ensure that there is no reason for bacterial buildup. The other two fang-tipped appendages are called chelicerae. Expect to pay between $20 and $50 on average, though this can vary based on factors such as the animal's age. Despite the term, these are not actually hairs. It is a misnomer; only mammals have natural hairs on their bodies. This medium-sized tarantula is very docile and has a calm temperament. . $179.99; Sold out. "Curlyhair" redirects here. The male would have woven a pre-packaged silk ball with sperm, they will save it in their pedipalps, find a female mate, and then will attempt to deposit it into the females spermathecae, where she will store it. Nicaragua And North-eastern Costa Rica; . Scientific Name: Brachypelma albopilosum (Valerio 1980) Common Name(s): Curlyhair tarantula (Honduran curlyhair tarantula) Range: The east of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica Habitat: Scrubland, brush, and the edges of forest Experience Level: Beginner Type: Terrestrial, burrower Size: Leg span up to around 14cm (5.5) Growth rate: Medium My Account; Customer Help; Want to chat? It is therefore easily handled. 2. In the wild, they feast on insects and small vertebrates. It could be entering the somewhat lengthy procedure of a molt. In their native range, anything tiny sufficient to be overwhelmed by the tarantula is the blond game. Mar 12, 2016. Tarantulas can spin silk, and they use the silk to line their burrows and protect their eggs. You could also develop some swelling and redness in the bitten area. As they grow you will need to make appropriate upgrades until you need an enclosure. Humidity: 70 - 80%. To avoid accidentally becoming a breeder yourself if you're taking home multiple spiders, simply house them individually. They don't require a lot of maintenance, and they take up minimal space. Description ; Additional information ; Reviews (0) Description. Easy Tarantula to care for and mine is not aggressive. Its also exceptionally accessible and provides great visibility. Tarantulas mating is more like an aggressive transaction rather than a sexual experience. Though, the hairs will be refilled after the successive molt of the spider. You should keep the temperature of the section around 75-80 degrees. Very docile. A curly hair tarantula can be a good pet for children who understand its handling restrictions and are comfortable with feeding live prey. They are ground-dwelling, calm, beautiful spiders, and like many other tarantulas in the genus Brachypelma. We do not specifically market to children under 13. The Curly Hair tarantula is slow-moving and docile, particularly as an adult. Then, add pieces of cork bark, a hollow log, or even half of a small clay flower pot to serve as a hiding spot for your spider. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The main benefit of going to a breeder is you'll likely have a wider selection of younger animals. Housing the Curly Hair Tarantula Starting with a smaller spider of an inch will be pretty easy since they need a small plastic container with holes poked in the top. This approachable tarantula has brought many tarantula owners into the hobby and made it a favorite. Adult curly hair tarantula size males and females both grow to the size of approximately 5.5 inches leg span (less than 8 cm). Room temperature is generally ok for most tarantula species but as Curly Hairs come from a warm and humid climate we do recommend the use of a heat mat if your house is not normally warm. 2,436. If you find some mold in their bedding where its most likely to happen, remove that portion as soon as you catch it to avoid growth. They can kick hairs off their abdomens that irritate a person's skin and cause damage if they get in your eyes. Home Curly Hair Tarantula Everything You Need to Know. The tarantula can have difficulty molting if the section gets too dry, which can cause death and disfigure your spider. Expect to do a full change of the bedding every four to six months. Because they are new world tarantulas, their venom is not dangerous to people. The Curly Hair would have fit in nicely with the 80s big hair scene. Most of the time, they are terrestrial and will opportunistically burrow. Its exceptionally laid-back and owners report virtually never seeing them throw up a threat pose or flick urticating hairs. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Experienced enthusiasts: feel free to chip in any advice or comments you might have about Wooly Tarantula care below as well! More Info Here. This species is great for first-time owners. What Do Curly Hair Tarantulas Eat & Drink? $24.99; . As they get old, this species usually calms down and bears occasional behavior. Chilean Rose. Some tarantulas are popular among beginners, while others are limited only to hardcore enthusiasts. Remove any unwanted worms or prey since it could stress your buddy out. Females live for around 10 years, while males only live about 4. Do not overheat the terrarium. The term spiderling refers to a juvenile spider. Although, if you keep that your tarantula is sitting with its legs tucked under itself, or if it has a withered and pitiable-looking abdomen, you should ask for the help of an exotics veterinarian to identify your tarantulas situation correctly. He had both at Tinley in the spring and I bought a Nicaraguan. They are known for their docile nature and hardy disposition, making them a good choice for beginner tarantula owners. It can be exciting to introduce your spider into their new home. These bristles are often dark brown or black, but they can also have a golden sheen. Its also not predisposed to any health issues. Females can live upto 20 years and males can live . Its popular name describes the long curly hairs of the legs and, to a lesser extent, the body and abdomen . Housing A 5- to 10-gallon tank with a secure, ventilated lid is suitable for curly hair tarantulas. This is also known as the lifespan of wild tarantulas. The Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula is a giant spider with curly hairs on its body. However, as tarantulas they certainly won't be cuddly or tame pets. . How to Take Care of Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula Habitat, Tank Conditions & Setup Tank These tarantulas need at least a 5-gallon tank, although 10 gallons is preferable. Lianne McLeod, DVM, is a small animal and exotic pet expert with over a decade of experience writing about veterinary care. Curly hair tarantula enclosure This terrestrial bird spider also likes to burrow. If however, you start to notice the female getting aggressive, separate them right away. Arboreal tarantulas are usually faster than terrestrial, and Orange Tree Spiders are the fastest tarantula there is. The Tliltocatl albopilosum (Nicaraguan Curly Hair) is a New World terrestrial species from Central America. Because tarantulas bodies are so delicate that prey animals may damage them, captive tarantulas are not fed for about a week following molting. If you have any questions or are looking for a specific tarantula please Contact Us. Sold Out. A stuck molt can be a death sentence for a tarantula, so youll need to intervene in this case. The curly hair tarantula has a round body covered with long bristles that have a slight curlhence the spider's common name. It is also quite bold and wont hide although it does burrow in its substrate. Khiri Khan Earth Tiger -1/2"-Chilobrachys Sp Prachuap Khiri Khan Tarantula. Mombasa Golden . Tarantula Feeding - What, when, and how much to feed; HUSBANDRY NOTES BY SPECIES; How Do I Know if My Tarantula Is in Premolt? Your tarantulas tank should be kept out of direct sunlight, as they are nocturnal and natural light will mess up their internal clock. throughout much of Central America . The main issues that you could possibly run into are dehydration and parasites/mites. As tarantulas are a terrestrial species, horizontal space is always more significant than height, as too high of an enclosure can result in falls and redundant injury to your spider. But I didn't, Mine is a sling about 3/4 inches large, how can I tell the difference to confirm what mine is, and finally when I tried to research it some said they need different care, some say they're the exact same. The Curly Hair Tarantula likes temperatures close to that of their natural habitat, which is around 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. For good reason they are one of our most requested and popular beginner tarantulas. These can be very painful and could cause itching and swelling too. These tarantulas do not need any heating lamps and UV lighting, and they need a day-night cycle. Fortunately, its quite easy to help a tarantula due to the copious amounts of helpful guides online. This is usually significantly warmer than room temperature, so to boost your temps, you will need to use a small heat mat stuck to the long side of the enclosure and connected to a thermostat set to 84-85F to create a temperature gradient. Keep pet tarantulas away from any other animals in the house, as well as children who might inappropriately handle them. 2. To keep conditions humid, keep a small water dish or bottle cap full of water available at all times. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Females reach a legspan of about 6, while males are a bit smaller. The number of legs that spiders and insects have is one of the most significant differences between them. Care Sheets; Gear; Shipping Supplies; About Us; Order Issue; Customers. albopilosumis quite a heavy-bodied tarantula thats covered in dark/brown hairs as a base, while tan and gold hairs that are characteristically curly sprout up all over, giving it a fluffy and, frankly, adorable appearance. $20. The required intensity of cradling for the curly hair is about 3 to 4 inches. Since the curly hair tarantula full size is 7 to 8 cm in length, you need to provide a substrate of at least 3 to 6-inches. The venom of a curly hair tarantula's bite typically causes a local reaction in people that's similar to a bee sting. There are, however, important factors to their physical health that need to be considered. Cannibalism is very much prevalent in this species, so do not house two or more curly hair tarantulas together. And then simply enjoy observing this interesting creature. The white represents peace, while the blue represents the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean to the east and west of the country. Popular tarantulas like Avicularia aviculariatend to be quite cheap and accessible because everybody wants one and theyre relatively common.. They are docile, hardy, low maintenance, and very calm. Feel free to read our article on our recommendations for tarantula enclosures here. Even a small cricket can hurt your pet at this stage. It is a very forgiving species and can be kept between 70-85F and a humidity range of 65% to 80%. For accessories, sprinkle some cork bark pieces over everything. Dont forget that this New World Tarantula could shoot out urticating hairs which can cause pain, redness, itching, and swelling. They like to burrow, so look for substrate that allows this activity. Its quite easy to provide this tarantula with an optimal enclosure. Best Overall: Zilla Tropical Vertical Enclosure. These defense mechanisms are a sign to put them down and leave them alone, as you might have already crossed a line. Curly hair tarantulas are solitary animals and shouldn't even be housed with other spiders of their own species. Female Nicaraguan T.albo $150 C-versi $150 T.apophysis $150 P. pulcher $150 Avicularia avic juvie $80 and sling $25 All come with their set ups already. Their body itself is about 3 inches long. However, this genus name is neuter, so the species name was later corrected to albopilosum. The spiderlings develop quickly, molting again over the next couple of weeks, by which time they disperse to live independent lives. Curly Hair Tarantulas require a higher level of humidity. They are native to Costa Rica and Nicaragua where they roam the tropical scrublands and sometimes live in burrows on the ground. Overall, this is easily one of the best tarantulas for beginners. Out of stock. Molting is normally a safe process and it is also natural. It is best to try to get them an enclosure that is at least twice or three times the length of its leg span. Nichepets.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com, amazon.co.uk, amazon.ca, and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. We hope that you learned something from this article and that you have all things for your enclosure prepared for your pet. [6], Tliltocatl albopilosus is native to Nicaragua and Costa Rica. $24. Best Budget: REPTIZOO Top Feeding Ventilated Visually Appealing Tarantula Enclosure. Are curly hair tarantulas hard to take care of? Curly hair tarantulas are ground-dwelling, burrowing spiders native to Central America. Several inches of substrate need to be present for burrowing. Ideal temperature range for this species is 25 to 29 C or 70-85 F during the day and 20-22 C or 68 to 70 F at night. It is life or death for the male. Keep a small water dish or bottle cap full of water in the enclosure to maintain humidity level. B. I am sharing my experience, not telling you how it must be done. Curly hair tarantulas are New World Spiders. A curly hair tarantula will move around its enclosure and might even rearrange some of the items you provide, such as pieces of bark. Right away on feeding your curly hair tarantula can frequently be seen out about. Try to kill it have is one of our most requested and popular beginner tarantulas 13... Cause pain, redness, itching, and swelling temperature are both increased bit! 20 years and males can live care below as well as children who understand its handling and! Prachuap khiri Khan Earth Tiger -1/2 & quot ; -Chilobrachys Sp Prachuap khiri Khan Earth Tiger -1/2 quot! 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