{ "truncateBody" : "true", "actions" : [ In some cases, when using a "forbid all" default strategy and when it is acceptable for users to not have access to data immediately after creation, this process could be relegated to a scheduled batch job. LITHIUM.Tooltip({"bodySelector":"body#lia-body","delay":30,"enableOnClickForTrigger":false,"predelay":10,"triggerSelector":"#lia-productsField .lia-token-input-readonly-token","tooltipContentSelector":"#lia-productsField_0-tooltip-element .content","position":["bottom","left"],"tooltipElementSelector":"#lia-productsField_0-tooltip-element","events":{"def":"focus mouseover,blur mouseout"},"hideOnLeave":true}); "event" : "markAsSpamWithoutRedirect", "event" : "AcceptSolutionAction", LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.ComponentEvents.set({ "displaySubject" : "true" "action" : "rerender" } "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", }, "context" : "", ] "action" : "pulsate" "actions" : [ If the number of Values built based on your rules exceeds 3500, try a different approach. LITHIUM.InformationBox({"updateFeedbackEvent":"LITHIUM:updateAjaxFeedback","componentSelector":"#informationbox_26","feedbackSelector":".InfoMessage"}); "event" : "kudoEntity", "event" : "MessagesWidgetEditAnswerForm", "displayStyle" : "horizontal", Some customer types who do not need to calculate the net effective filter members can toggle this off. ] LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:userExistsQuery","parameters":{"javascript.ignore_combine_and_minify":"true"}},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":"#userSearchField","action":"userExistsQuery","feedbackSelector":"#ajaxfeedback_0","url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.searchformv32.usersearchfield:userexistsquery?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13&t:cp=search/contributions/page","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"MVYip4hH6PEdle3iHrag6-7jdu7FnMPeTM9cTRIJgeI. } "action" : "rerender" "event" : "MessagesWidgetMessageEdit", System-level security encompasses security features for role-based settings and integration options. "action" : "rerender" If you are using elasticubes, the API request is {baseurl}/api/elasticubes/datasecurity to set data security on multiple cubes, or {baseurl}/api/elasticubes/{server}/{elasticube}/datasecurity for a single cube. ", true); While this approach has the disadvantage of users being unable to see data should their rule assignment go wrong, it is the safer approach that avoids exposure of data in the very same case. What is Data Model Security? } "initiatorBinding" : true, "context" : "", } { By default, everyone is affected. prevent sales reps from seeing the transactions of other customers. "action" : "rerender" Are you sure you want to proceed? It is necessary for some customer types to enable. var addthis_share = {"url_transforms":{"shorten":{"twitter":"bitly"}},"shorteners":{"bitly":{}}}; The field is added to the page. { } "event" : "MessagesWidgetAnswerForm", "action" : "rerender" Sisense Security Architecture. $( '.custom-widget-menu-toggle, .toggle-menu-children' ).removeClass( 'menu-opened' ); "event" : "addMessageUserEmailSubscription", ', 'ajax'); { "actions" : [ ] Data Access Security; Data Security Rules (Row-level Security) Securing the Sisense Platform. "event" : "QuickReply", Are you sure you want to proceed? var userId = $(this).attr('href').replace(/. Whether using credentials or a token, it is recommended not to store these sensitive values as a hard-coded part of the script. }, $( this ).parent( '.has-children' ).toggleClass( 'open' ); LITHIUM.FieldSet({"toggleableFieldGroupsSelector":".lia-form-toggleable-field-groups-input","fieldGroupId":"AdditionalOptions","fieldSetToggleSelector":"#fieldset_0 .lia-form-fieldset-toggle","fieldSetSelector":"#fieldset_0 .lia-form-fieldset-content-wrapper","toggleClosed":true,"fieldSetWrapperSelector":"#fieldset_0","toggleFieldsetEvent":"LITHIUM:toggleFieldset"}); ] ] "context" : "envParam:feedbackData", { "action" : "rerender" You can read more about "Scope Limitations" in Row-level Data Security from here to understand all the different options in detail. "context" : "envParam:quiltName", { ] LITHIUM.InputEditForm("form_0", {"submitButton":".lia-button-Submit-action","enableFormButtonEvent":"LITHIUM:enableFormButton","warnUnsavedDataActionCssClasses":["lia-form-action-ignore-unsaved-data","lia-button-Cancel-action"],"useUnsavedDataWarning":true,"ignoreDisableFormDuringSubmitCssClasses":[],"submitOnChange":false,"swallowEnterEvent":true,"enableFormEvent":"LITHIUM:enableForm","disableFormButtonEvent":"LITHIUM:disableFormButton","disableFormEvent":"LITHIUM:disableForm","unloadMessage":"Unsaved information will be lost. } "action" : "rerender" According to documentation, party property needs to be UUID/OID of the User or Group entity. Manage users via the API to create, edit and assign new users or groups. } } For the following parameters, toggle them on for evaluation to first occur, and only then the filter members are shown. "event" : "approveMessage", }); Use Up and Down arrow keys to navigate. Sometimes, when dealing with non-sensitive data and when limitations need to apply only to a small portion of users, it would be beneficial to set the default to "allow all", meaning that any user can see the entire data set unless a limitation was explicitly applied to them or one of the groups they belong to. To learn more
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See also Managing Access to Data Models. Connect existing users and groups from your organizations Active Directory to define security and sharing properties and reduce deployment time. "context" : "", "entity" : "1565", "parameters" : { "context" : "", "context" : "", }); ] "displayStyle" : "horizontal", { LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.fromLink('#kudoEntity', 'kudoEntity', '#ajaxfeedback_1', 'LITHIUM:ajaxError', {}, 'GEKu7oGrl63o4DuuWnD1Bv6sCkGpzJE0eEcn5aiXcEI. { "event" : "addThreadUserEmailSubscription", { ","loaderSelector":"#threadeddetaildisplaymessageviewwrapper_2 .lia-message-body-loader .lia-loader","expandedRepliesSelector":".lia-inline-message-reply-form-expanded"}); { ] slideMenuReset(); Security and auditing for download to CSV, Dynamic Goal Line with dropdown selection, Turn off suggestions"}],"prefixTriggerTextLength":3},"inputSelector":"#messageSearchField_0","redirectToItemLink":false,"url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.searchformv32.messagesearchfield.messagesearchfield:autocomplete?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13&t:cp=search/contributions/page","resizeImageEvent":"LITHIUM:renderImages"}); "context" : "envParam:feedbackData", }, }, ] all the tables that have any field in the widget. If you define any data
"actions" : [ "kudosable" : "true", You can define which users/user groups have access to a data model. "disableLabelLinks" : "false", LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.fromLink('#kudoEntity_0', 'kudoEntity', '#ajaxfeedback_2', 'LITHIUM:ajaxError', {}, 'oo3aH9qI-jJlezU_r6hDjSC2QKkDXSzGK1oPIeq8Iec. { "useSubjectIcons" : "true", ] ] "action" : "rerender" LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:renderInlineEditForm"},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":"#threadeddetaildisplaymessageviewwrapper","action":"renderInlineEditForm","feedbackSelector":"#threadeddetaildisplaymessageviewwrapper","url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.threadeddetaildisplay.threadeddetailmessagelist.threadeddetaildisplaymessageviewwrapper:renderinlineeditform?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"lavIlbjiP9XeMqb_iMXm9Vk7FG3d4yUHIyHJYl7bd1s. }, "action" : "rerender" }, "disableLinks" : "false", { { "action" : "rerender" "event" : "ProductAnswerComment", by Sisense. "actions" : [ Control which data is accessible for users or groups that don't have explicit security rules. "event" : "MessagesWidgetAnswerForm", "context" : "", }, "event" : "MessagesWidgetMessageEdit", "action" : "rerender" } } ","defaultAlbumId":1,"imageFormatFeedbackErrorContainer":".lia-file-error-msg","fileUploadSelector":".lia-file-upload","isCanUploadImages":false,"videoUploadSettings":{"maxFileBytes":512000000,"validVideoExts":".wmv;.avi;.mov;.moov;.mpg;.mpeg;.m2t;.m2v;.vob;.flv;.mp4;.mpg4;.mkv;.asf;.m4v;.m2p;.3gp;.3g2;.f4v;.mp3;.m4a;.wma;.aac"},"disableFormActionButtonsEvent":"LITHIUM:disableFormActionButtons","isOoyalaVideoEnabled":false,"videoEmbedSizes":{"small":{"width":200,"height":150},"original":{"width":400,"height":300},"large":{"width":600,"height":450},"medium":{"width":400,"height":300}},"isMobileDevice":false,"removeAllOverlays":"LITHIUM:removeAllOverlays","isCanUploadVideo":false,"passToAttachmentEvent":"LITHIUM:passToAttachment"},"imageUrlPattern":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id//image-size/?v=v2&px=-1","useMessageMentions":false,"spellcheckerLangs":"English (US)=en","mentionsVersion":"2.1","iframeTitle":"Body Rich Text Area. "actions" : [ { "context" : "envParam:messageUid,page,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", Are you sure you want to proceed? Build Alerts "kudosable" : "true", "actions" : [ "context" : "", "action" : "rerender" "action" : "rerender" { }, You can allow each sales rep to see transactions for their own customers, and
{ "context" : "", \n\t\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\t"; Even though the Deal Contacts table doesn't have any data security rules defined for it, the Deal Contacts widget only enables each sales person to see the contacts associated with their own sales, because of the data security rule assigned to the Sales table. }, "parameters" : { "event" : "deleteMessage", "context" : "", LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:multiUserSelectEvent","parameters":{"javascript.ignore_combine_and_minify":"true"}},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":"#lia-products","action":"multiUserSelectEvent","feedbackSelector":false,"url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.productsfield.productsfield:multiuserselectevent?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13&t:cp=products/block/producteditblocks","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"55CWPn0CloOSl3hTYSKjHc5oLB1Uxyf8mP_lTA-NYSI. $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'slide-open' ); } "}); }, properties and reduce deployment time. LITHIUM.Form.resetFieldForFocusFound(); "action" : "rerender" { When allMembers is specified, members will be ignored. addthis_config = {"data_use_cookies":false,"pubid":"PoweredByLithium","services_compact":"twitter,facebook,delicious,digg,myspace,google,gmail,blogger,live,stumbleupon,favorites,more","data_use_cookies_ondomain":false,"services_expanded":"","services_exclude":"","ui_language":"en"}; "}); Are you sure you want to proceed? ] } "context" : "", "actions" : [ Linux. 19 Jul 2022; 1 Minute to read Share this . "context" : "lia-deleted-state", Click + Add field (or, if any fields already exist, + Add another field) to display a list of fields that you can apply data security rules to. Can someone help me with the exact parameters and REST API request that I need to use? { field in that row has a specific value(s). "componentId" : "kudos.widget.button", "useSubjectIcons" : "true", I am getting the following error message with the below post request: ----Error--- "status": "error", "message": "[object Object]"}, [{ "column": "CLIENT_ID", "shares": [ {"party": "rahul.dhomane", "type": "user" } ], "table": "s01_a_n_se_ratig_y_clien.txt", "allMembers": null, "datatype": "text", "members": [ "0653" ], "exclusionary": false }]. These settings allow the management of different environments such as a testing and production server, or servers
"event" : "unapproveMessage", "event" : "deleteMessage", security.applyDataSecurityOnFiltersRelations. }, } Different measures and industry best practices are used to ensure security for each of these categories and to provide you with fine-grained governance and security management. You might have certain customers whose data is sensitive and should only be
{ }); }, "action" : "rerender" "displaySubject" : "true" "action" : "pulsate" "event" : "expandMessage", LITHIUM.InformationBox({"updateFeedbackEvent":"LITHIUM:updateAjaxFeedback","componentSelector":"#informationbox_15","feedbackSelector":".InfoMessage"}); "actions" : [ "initiatorBinding" : true, }, Choose a language you and your colleagues are comfortable with, so that your various automation scripts can co-exist, share components (DRY), and be maintained by a wide group of engineers. ] "action" : "pulsate" { LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.ComponentEvents.set({ "}); "initiatorBinding" : true, "event" : "markAsSpamWithoutRedirect", LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:lazyLoadScripts"},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":"#inlineMessageReplyContainer_1","action":"lazyLoadScripts","feedbackSelector":"#inlineMessageReplyContainer_1","url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.inlinemessagereplycontainer:lazyloadscripts?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13&t:cp=messages/contributions/messageeditorscontributionpage","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"bIW-TPTFpuRYf4uRp2jq_MsKUT7HwvYOLcwaGZjLZpM. "action" : "pulsate" ] Example:
$( '.custom-widget-menu-toggle' ).on( 'click', function() { ] } "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", "action" : "rerender" }, ElastiCube Server Access Rights
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For Data Security assigned to groups, the critical component is shifted from the Data Security automation to the Group assignment automation - users must be assigned to groups at the right time to ensure they have access to their data. Row Level Defaults. Formula Reuse: Sisense starred formulas enables reuse of complex business logic and analysis across dashboards. { data: {"userId": userId}, { divContainer.css('left', (-1 * adjustment) + 'px'); See Using SSO to Access Sisense. This applies both to properties of the payload and to parts of the API URL path or query parameters. } ', 'ajax'); "context" : "envParam:quiltName", LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:getMentions","parameters":{"javascript.ignore_combine_and_minify":"true"}},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":document,"action":"getMentions","feedbackSelector":false,"url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.threadeddetaildisplay.inlinemessagereplyeditor_0.form.messageeditor.tinymceeditor:getmentions?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"AkPgMU_BhewF3GJqRuzwwZAo2b8iFOo7KCCqumSOmL4. The Sales table has a column that has a relationship with a Deal Contacts table that holds the contacts that were involved in each deal. SSO facilitates seamless integration between Sisense and other systems in your organization while offering standardization of authentication policies across your organization. { } "context" : "envParam:quiltName", "event" : "editProductMessage", LITHIUM.HelpIcon({"selectors":{"helpIconSelector":".help-icon .lia-img-icon-help"}}); ] "event" : "editProductMessage", Row-Level Security enables you to use group membership or execution context to control access to rows in a database table. { { You may choose another option from the dropdown menu. To navigate other customers across dashboards to first occur, and only then filter... Infuse analytics sisense row level security used as a filter to documentation, party property needs to be UUID/OID of the to... Or a token, it is necessary for some customer types to.. Be UUID/OID of the payload and to parts of the API URL path or query parameters. the filter Are! 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