Bach Flower Honeysuckle is for over-attachment to past memories. People in need of Bach Flower Honeysuckle tend to live in the past, in a state of homesickness or nostalgia. They have regrets but are unable to change present circumstances since they are constantly looking back at the past. They may be attached to lost loved ones, or to happier days, or unable to get over unhappy past experiences. They find it difficult to get over bereavement and constantly refer to the past in conversation.
Bach Flower Honeysuckle can be very helpful to bereaved or redundant people, or to those who have failed in business and especially to older people who live alone.
The positive potential of Bach Flower Honeysuckle is the ability to live in the present, no longer experiencing the past as overpowering, but seeing it as valuable experience, providing lessons for today. The person can now move forward in life with no regrets. Ageing is accepted as a natural process.
Dilute two drops of Bach Flower Honeysuckle in a glass of water and sip at intervals. Replenish as necessary
If necessary, the Bach Original Flower Remedies can be dropped neat onto the tongue, or rubbed onto the lips, behind the ears, or on the temples and wrists.