Rock Water is for inflexibility: it is for people who set themselves very high standards and may be self-denying. They are self-dominating to the point of self-martyrdom. For example, they will stick rigidly to diet and exercise programmes, work routines and spiritual disciplines. Their thinking is ruled by fixed ideas and dogma regarding subjects like religion, diet, morality, politics, etc. They like to set an example to others because they seek self-perfection and do not actively interfere in other people´s lives.
These people are over-conscientious and they often overwork but are never satisfied with their own achievements. They are self-sacrificing and denying and feel disappointed with themselves if they do not meet thier own high ideals.
The positive potential of Bach Flower Rock Water is expressed in the ability to hold high ideas with a flexible mind. Positive Bach Flower Rock Water people are willing to change their minds and give up their pet theories if convinced of a greater truth. They understand that inner harmony is more powerful than externally enforced behaviours and allow themselves more flow in life.
Dilute two drops of Bach Flower Rock Waterin a glass of water and sip at intervals. Replenish as necessary
If necessary, the Original Bach Flower Remedies can be dropped neat onto the tongue, or rubbed onto the lips, behind the ears, or on the temples and wrists.