switzerland tunnel opening ceremony

From 2 August to 27 November 2016, the Swiss Federal Railways ran a special train service through the tunnel called "Gottardino" which was open to the public. [15], The main purpose of the Gotthard Base Tunnel is to increase local transport capacity through the Alpine barrier, especially for freight on the RotterdamBaselGenoa corridor, and more specifically to shift freight volumes from trucks to freight trains. The goal of both the laws is to transport trucks, trailers and freight containers through Switzerland, from Basel to Chiasso, and beyond by rail to relieve the overused roads, and that of the Gotthard in particular, by using intermodal freight transport and rolling highways (where the entire truck is transported). Who (other than sicko Elites) is so fascinated by a Goat? The strange ceremony was attended by European leaders They love to hide everything in plain sight pic.twitter.com/HUSGPnwKPW, Have a look at CERN 5th July 2022. Please join us! Considering that the theme of the opening ceremony best fits Alex Jones's clandestine mission into the Bohemian Grove, and not wanting to open a can of warms by creating a Satanic occult sub-forum, I figured that the Bohemian Club would be a good fit for this topic. The recent opening ceremony for the world's longest rail tunnel has had an amusing epilogue: a politician from the Swiss People's Party, spying what she reckoned were Islam-connected. It was built using a special drilling machine called a tunnel boring machine, or TBM. It took 17 years to complete this 57 kilometer tunnel going through Alps. Big credit to realTT2020 on Truth Social for posting this video. The internet is all abuzz over what many see as the Satanic opening of the new Gotthard Base Tunnel in the Swiss Alps. Before we even get into that, lets talk about some of the stuff hidden in plain sight. Francis Scott Key saw the soldiers' lives as noble sacrifices for the glory of the nation whose enemies' blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.. Since the GBT is in full service, standard freight trains of up to 3,600t (7.910^6lb) are able to pass this natural barrier. If you love what we do, please consider a $1/month donation to keep us live! If you want to watch the whole thing and prove Im not taking it out of context Ive got the full video for you right here. Rapturously applauded by standing global bureaucrats and prime ministers, the ghastly production was an unintended self-parody on statist culture. Join our discussions. As I watched the ceremony, I realized it was virtually the same as ancient cornerstone rituals, so common of ancient civilizations. The paper highlighted some of the more esoteric elements of the gala such as a winged baby, semi-naked dancers and a man with a birds nest on his head. Switzerland tunnel: The oddest moments of the opening ceremony 1 June 2016 AP We're not sure what this was all about either From the World Cup to the Olympics, it is not a significant event. The Swiss put on one of the most bizarre opening ceremonies in history to mark the completion of the world's longest tunnel, the Gotthard Base Tunnel, which runs through the Swiss Alps. We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. Before modern transport, the traverse of the pass took days, and snow makes it a challenge in winter.[22]. [13] It lies at the heart of the Gotthard axis and constitutes the third tunnel connecting the cantons of Uri and Ticino, after the Gotthard Tunnel and the Gotthard Road Tunnel. This is out of the question in the post-Christian West, however. [86], In August 2017, an average of 10,400 people crossed the tunnel daily. The conspiracy theorists see clues to the pandemic in the performance. A window allows visitors to watch the trains running in the tunnel. [15], Access to the Sedrun station site is by a level access tunnel 1km (0.6mi) long from the valley floor near Sedrun. AlpTransit Gotthard AG was responsible for construction. We experience this aesthetic as we slowly lose our appetite for power at the expense of others from the images of endless wars, drone strikes, and police killings we see. The aforementioned figures are not dervishes but dancing haystacks.. Hit by a boring bar that fell 700m (2,300ft). Essentially, to open a portal into another dimension. Trending: SICK: Bill Gates + 6,000 Child Porno Images? Juni 1993", "Bundesbeschluss ber Bau und Finanzierung von Infrastrukturvorhaben des ffentlichen Verkehrs Chronologie", "Bundesbeschluss ber die Genehmigung der sektoriellen Abkommen zwischen der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft einerseits und der Europischen Gemeinschaft sowie gegebenenfalls ihrer Mitgliedstaaten oder der Europischen Atomgemeinschaft andererseits Chronologie", "Was passiert eigentlich mit der Gotthard-Bergstrecke? Now the world's longest rail tunnel, the Gotthard has a route length of 35.5 miles and. [16], After 64 percent of Swiss voters accepted the NRLA project in a 1992 referendum, the first preparatory and exploratory work began in 1996. As for the winged baby, its an androgynous character wearing an ominous-looking mask; its certainly no angel of light. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel turned a great feat of engineering into a religious ceremony dedicated to Baphomet while somewhat ridiculing the workers who sacrificed their lives and the masses who will travel through the tunnel. From the crest and border, the tunnel runs parallel to the small valley of the river Strem (Val Strem) before passing below Sedrun and the Anterior Rhine. There's a statue of Shiva, a Hindu God, also known as the destroyer outside. Did you watch the the 2022 Communist China Olympics. Train tracks lead toward an access tunnel inside the east section of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Faido, Switzerland, in 2014. There were also the technical advantages of electrical engines and future technical improvements. Your email address will not be published. CERN is famous for its work on particle physics, which is the study of tiny particles that make up all matter in the universe. [37], On 16 December 2013, the operational test phase started on a 13-kilometre (8.1mi) stretch in the southern section of the west tube between Faido and Bodio. Their symbolism will be their downfall.#Covid_19 #Symbol #emptyhospitals pic.twitter.com/Fz8HF4QAX3, jurga (@glamourover35) December 21, 2020, https://twitter.com/MoonlashZA/status/1345281030526218241, 2012 Olympics opening ceremony. This part was designed to honor and celebrate Great Britains National Health Service (a government program that provides health care at low cost), a British childrens hospital, and the nations body of childrens literature. A friend recently sent me a video to the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland that took place on June 1, 2016. Veiled dervishes and Krampus straw devils bow to worship Baphomet, above, as a circle of eyes watches on the large screen behind the stage; Below, a close-up of the devil goat-man triumphant before the adoring masses, The first of a planned string of railways to connect Europe, Some time ago, I wrote about the unveiling of a, The longest & most expensive tunnel on record, Contacting Devils in the New Age Movements, Satanic Presence at the 2015 Grammy Awards, The Strange Message in the 2012 Olympics Opening. a ritualistic sacrifice at the statue. From the bottom of the valley, the tunnel proceeds towards the valley of the Rein da Nalps (Val Nalps) and passes east of Lai da Nalps, before crossing the Gannaretsch range below the western summit of Piz Vatgira (2,981m (9,780ft)). . Switzerland completed a 17-year construction project of the world's longest and deepest rail tunnel. Cross-dressers and an ominous-looking androgynous baby? Here's a look at another celebration of the occult elite. After eight years as head of the Cabaret Voltaire he worked as a social media journalist and content curator at the news site watson.ch, and is now working to see that swissinfo.ch is read, discussed, shared and gets likes. BREAKING: Top Hunter Biden Associate Eric Schwerin (who ran Rosemont Seneca) Just Flipped! The opening ceremony show for the new Gotthard tunnel is embarassing. Its underground opening a portal pic.twitter.com/Skx4XgbJsI, Christopher Greene (@amtvmedia) July 2, 2022, https://twitter.com/Desi_3650/status/1541666826903502849. The Opening Ceremony of the World's Largest Tunnel Was a Bizarre Occult Ritual June 3, 2016 Attended by Europe's most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. Unbridled animal sexuality? Essentially they want to destroy the whole universe to build it back up again. By featuring whirling dervishes, which, according to the encyclopaedia of Islam, signify an approximation of Allah, we are betraying our basic values. It opened in June 2016 and full service began the following December. & CERN turns on 7/5.. Theyre getting everyone ready pic.twitter.com/tfsUKZOTHI. Knowingly or not, these modern statists were celebrating the very rituals of which the state itself is a vestige. pic.twitter.com/mvcuRykGNQ, remembering who you are (@existzombieland) August 16, 2022. It reflects a hedonistic, rudderless West that tries to convince itself its moral with posturing about diversity, tolerance, inclusiveness, multiculturalism, and every other ego-stroking, conscience-soothing ism. As of 2016, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is the longest railway tunnel in the world. Tell their stories. Your web browser is outdated. Coincidence? From there, the tunnel runs parallel to the small valley of Etzli, below the Witenalpstock. Not weird at all. And they're being depicted as mindless sacrifices mated by ancestral pagan gods of the Gotthard region. Please click the link in the e-mail to activate your account. The theory says that back in 2012, a segment of the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games in London predicted the coronavirus crisis. Indeed, the Gotthard Tunnel ceremony is itself a childish attempt at thumbing statist noses at Jesus's cultural aesthetic and its power to weaken strong structures wherever its story spreads. [5][6][7] At opening the GBT reduced travel times for trans-Alpine train journeys by about 40 minutes, and by one hour when the adjacent Zimmerberg and Ceneri Base Tunnels were completed. SWI swissinfo.ch - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR. In this legend, Swiss herdsmen attempt to construct a bridge over the perilous Gotthard mountain pass. These detectors are used to study particles, and they are so big and heavy that they need to be moved through the tunnel by special trains. The ceremony. The first journey carried hundreds of Swiss citizens who had won tickets in a draw, while the assembled guests in Erstfeld, including the Federal Council in corpore, heads of state and government from neighbouring countries and transport ministers from European countries, attended the opening show Sacre del Gottardo by Volker Hesse featuring 600 dancers, acrobats, singers and musicians celebrating Alpine culture and myths around the Gotthard. A gold sleeper on the very last part of the track was installed during the event to mark this milestone of progress. Imagine all the time and resources and money that went into this Satanic waste: GOTHARD TUNNEL CERN'sGotthardTunnelCeremony featured Satanic Occult elements of the Freemasonic Horus Eye, a proudly roaring Baphomet/Goat Devil with worshiping subjects, a Scarlet Whore pregnant with the Antichrist an androgenous Satan with slave workers and Time Manipulation pic.twitter.com/gWr5ztNuHS, Hanneke De Groot (@HannekeDeGroot3) September 27, 2022. One tunnel is for trains, and the other tunnel is for cars and trucks. After a few kilometres the tunnel crosses the watershed between the Anterior Rhine and the Ticino, just north of Pizzo dell'Uomo (2,525m (8,284ft)). Although the technical maximum speed is 250km/h (160mph) through the GBT, the maximal authorized speed has been reduced to 230km/h (140mph) for ecological and economical reasons, while the operating speed of passenger trains is restricted to 200km/h (124mph) in order to accommodate the freight traffic, with the possibility to accelerate up to 230km/h (140mph) in case of delay. An opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland took place in 2016. (function() { var qs,js,q,s,d=document, gi=d.getElementById, ce=d.createElement, gt=d.getElementsByTagName, id="typef_orm", b="https://embed.typeform.com/"; if(!gi.call(d,id)) { js=ce.call(d,"script"); js.id=id; js.src=b+"embed.js"; q=gt.call(d,"script")[0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q) } })(). Luckily, we have the intrepid fact-checkers at the USA Today who have already looked into the situation and determined it to be 100% false and preposterous that the 2012 Olympics predicted (or telegraphed?) The ceremony for the opening of the Gotthard base tunnel in Switzerland on Wednesday includes a blessing, acrobats, music and dance depicting Alpine culture and history. So you have to go deeply underground with them. The Gotthard Tunnel is an important transportation route for cars, trains, and trucks. Switzerland is also where CERN is located; the organisation trying to "recreate the Big Bang" with its Large Hadron Collider (LHC). I dont believe in Shiva! 666 in the logo. A circle of all-seeing eyes watches as people bow down during opening ceremony for the world's longest and deepest rail tunnel in Switzerland. 666 pic.twitter.com/LFR29iDs8c. The conspiracy theory concentrates on a 15-minute portion. Multiple government officials were seen at this event. The New World Order is a conspiracy theory that hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The actual opening ceremony will take place about March 28. Those things are always weird and artsy but this one was downright creepy! Jun. It is one of the longest tunnels in the world, and it helps people and goods travel between northern and southern Europe. Swiss Federal President Johann Schneider-Ammann, right, listens to German Chancellor Angela Merkel on June 1, 2016, the opening day of the Gotthard rail tunnel, at the northern portal in Erstfeld . And, mind you, its a big part of why Muslim jihadists consider us decadent and ripe for conquest. Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. The message of the 2016 Gotthard Tunnel ceremony is clear: the adolescent statists are rebelling against a more mature cultural aesthetic whose power they envy. Unlike most other tunnels, the Gotthard Base Tunnel passes under several distinct mountain massifs, two of them being major subranges of the Alps, the Glarus Alps and the Saint-Gotthard Massif, with the valley of the Anterior Rhine, the Surselva in the canton of Graubnden, between them. ", 10.1659/0276-4741(2000)020[0192:TACAMF]2.0.CO;2, "Bundesrat besttigt vorlufigen Verzicht auf die Porta Alpina", "Final breakthrough of the longest railway tunnel in the world", "Switzerland's Gotthard Base train tunnel is redefining Europe", "Switzerland: First transit in the Gotthard Base Tunnel", "Test trains running on Gotthard Base Tunnel", "The construction of the century takes shape", "Celebrations as last piece of track is laid in record-breaking Gotthard rail tunnel | euronews, world news", "Mit 275 Sachen durch den Gotthard-Basistunnel", "Structurally complete tunnels of the Amsteg section handed over", "Gotthard approaches final breakthrough, Ceneri starts main drive", "Installation of the railway systems in the north has begun", "Salvatore di Benedetto, 21. Ancient pagans were wont to dress as animals, and worshiping the creation as opposed to the Creator was not uncommon among them. The Gotthard Tunnel is about 10 miles (16 kilometers) long, and it goes deep into the mountains. Amsteg portal (maintenance access), 507m (1,663ft) a.s.l. This is the question raised by politician Sylvia Flckiger to the cabinet during parliamentary question time on June 6: The inauguration of the Gotthard Basis Tunnel at the heart of our country should be respected by our fundamental Swiss values. What to Expect After Moscow Suspends Its Last Nuclear Treaty With the U.S. What does that star spangled banner wave over, anyway? Makes sense in a place where many think a boy can be a girl and dont even know what marriage is. Spectacular: The world's longest tunnel officially opened on Wednesday, with the trailblazing rail passage under the Swiss Alps aiming to ease transit through the heart of Europe View gallery. Please click the link in the e-mail to reset your password. Maybe youve heard of this, but if not youre going to have your mind blown and be disgusted all at the same time. Who is sitting around a board room planning out the 2012 Olympics and says, you know what I think we need? Woody Harrelson Bashes Hollywoods COVID Protocols, Thats Not a Free Country, Republicans in Florida County Pass Resolution to BAN COVID-19 Jab. The tunnels are connected by small cross-passages every 325 feet (100 meters), which allows people to walk from one tunnel to the other in case of an emergency. Its purpose was to test the infrastructure and any ancillary systems. Switzerland celebrated the opening of the world's longest train tunnel, a 17-year project that cuts through the Alps and cost 11 billion to construct - but all anyone's talking about is its ridiculous opening ceremony. And of course they think it couldnt possibly be anything nefarious or demonic. This ceremony was a high-profile affair, too, attended by a plethora of European leaders. In the aesthetic of statism, absolute power is the greatest good. It took 17 years to build a record-breaking tunnel through the Swiss Alps, but only one opening ceremony to weird everyone out . Attended by Europe's most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. German chancellor Angela Merkel, French president Franois Hollande and Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi join Swiss president Johann Schneider-Ammann for the maiden voyages, Wed 1 Jun 2016 14.33BST This point corresponds to the main chain of the Alps, and is the main drainage divide between the Rhine and the Po. The Gotthard Tunnel is a tunnel that goes through the Swiss Alps in Europe. Ive been wanting to cover this story for a long time. A fifthat Bodiowas added later. The ceremony ends with the goat man being resurrected and worshipped as he is introduced to technology, industry and modern society with manyof the actors clothed as cross dressers, driftersand harlots . 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